Trusted Systems Services Newsletter
*************************************************************** ************* Trusted Systems Services Newsletter ************* 17 September 98 Thanks for your past interest in Trusted Systems Services. Weve sincerely been overwhelmed by the response to our "Windows NT Security Guidelines Report for NSA Research" give-away as well as our Super CACLS networking administrators software tool and wanted to let you know what weve been up to lately. ** Addenda & Errata Web Site for Windows NT Security Guidelines ** Super CACLS Report ** Advanced Checker Status Report (formerly known as Checker or Super Checker) ** Trusted Systems Services Selected by Microsoft To Review Configurations for Securing Windows NT Wed like to send occasional announcements, but if you want to be removed from our list, please tell us. (To unsubscribe, just send a reply to this e-mail with the word "unsubscribe" as the Subject.) *************************************************************** ADDENDA & ERRATA WEB SITE FOR WINDOWS NT SECURITY GUIDELINES We now have an Addendad and Errata web page for our Windows NT Security Guidelines. We highly recommend you periodically visit this page, especially if you are actively using these guidelines. Some of the addenda topics include "Limiting Installers in the WINNT & Registry ACL Settings," "Minimizing Services & Stolen Service Password," and "Software Installation that "Moves" New Items into Protected Directories." *************************************************************** SUPER CACLS REPORT The latest version of Super CACLS is version 2.52. If youve licensed an earlier version, you can receive a free upgrade from our web site by using your update code. Trusted Systems Services (and Super CACLS) have been selected to be a security sponsor of the upcoming 1998 Compaq Grand Slam Tennis Cup to be held in Munich, Germany this month. Super CACLS was used to set up the network for all journalists in the Olympic Hall. Stefan Werner, Chief Technical Officer for this event said, "We like Super CACLS because of its enhanced and easy-to-use features in modifying ACLs for securing NT-mass-rollouts." If you havent tried Super CACLS, youre invited to try our full demo available at : *************************************************************** ADVANCED CHECKER STATUS REPORT (formerly known as Checker or Super Checker) Our newest networking security tool, Advanced Checker, is in the formal testing phase. Advanced Checker is a fully-featured, programmable scripting language that checks, and in some cases corrects, the security attributes of a Windows NT Server or Workstation. Advanced Checker lets you create simple "scripts" in text files using any text editor. You then run Advanced Checker which reads the scripts and performs its security checks. The security parameters it checks include the ACLs of files and directories on NTFS file systems, Registry keys and share directories, audit SACLs, registry values, audit policy, rights policy and more. We believe that Advanced Checker will fundamentally change the way that beginning and especially advanced networking administrators monitor and manage the security of their networks. It gives you unprecedented power and flexibility in an easy-to-use package that we are committed to expand and improve through feedback from our customers. We hope youll give this product a try when it debuts later this year. For a complete description: *************************************************************** TSS SELECTED BY MICROSOFT TO REVIEW CONFIGURATIONS FOR SECURING WINDOWS NT URBANA, IL September 1, 1998 Trusted Systems Services, Inc. announced today that Microsoft has selected them to perform an independent, detailed review and analysis of the recommended Security Configurations for securing Windows NT-based systems. TSS will undertake a thorough analysis of the broad range of Windows NT-based systems security settings that typical users of Windows NT apply to secure their systems. These recommendations will help administrators to secure their Windows NT-based systems using the Security Configuration Editor tool that is part of Windows NT 4.0 Service Pack 4. "Trusted Systems has practical experience in securing Windows NT-based systems," said Peter Brundrett, Windows NT Security Program Manager at Microsoft Corp. "Our customers will be able to use the results of this analysis to secure their Windows NT-based systems." For the complete press release, go to: *************************************************************** This message was sent to you by Advanced Checker.
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