Tired of Not Making Money on the Internet?

ROCKET Your Way To Wealth In Cyberspace E-mail has proven to generate more response than any other form of communication. A Web site alone, posting through newsgroups and registering with a few search engines while placing a few classifieds just won't work. What good is a Web page no one knows is there? Using Mass e-mail provides great rewards for very little effort, time or money IF YOU KNOW what you're doing. If you don't know what you're doing, This is what will happen: Your Internet provider will SHUT YOU DOWN.. Your 800 phone bill WILL SOAR with nuisance calls. Your e-mail box will EXPLODE with mail bombs. It's not worth it to learn the hard way. Capitalize on the failures of your competitors to identify and continuously reach the TRUE online consumers. Get everything you need to know and use to produce MEGA INCOME ONLINE. Why is it anyone who has ever used Floodgate,E-mail Magnet, NetContact or Lightening Bolt for on-line marketing been so disappointed with the results? If you use any one of these programs with an ISP that frowns on Mass e-mail you are guaranteed to lose your account in a very short time. What good are bulk email programs if you can't find a provider that will allow you to mass mail? Every one of these programs extract the same addresses from the same sources. If everyone's hitting the same prospects over and over, is it any wonder they get upset? UNTIL NOW, the 1000's of user's you really want to target have thus far gone un-noticed. These are the users that are not active posting in the newsgroups and/or online classifieds. Send your own bulk email to thousands of people, FOR FREE! The complete BULKMAN-PRO Mailer Package comes with everything you need to change your life. There is nothing further to purchase. BULKMAN PRO is compatible with Windows 3.1, Windows 3.11, Windows NT, and Windows 95. All you need is an Internet connection. Most online services or internet providers charge nothing to send e-mail. Send your letter to 10,000 people or 100,000 people - the cost is always the same. Nothing! While the misinformed continue using such programs as Pegasus for sending mass e-mails to the same old prospects, you'll be using BULKMAN-PRO to e-mail 16,000 + per day that are new and never have received mass email before. Do you really have the time or desire to try and figure this out for yourself? Stripping addresses yourself using the old methods is a time consuming, boring affair. You may see others shouting promises of how easy their program is, BUT while your competitor is actually mailing out their sales letter you're EITHER still stripping or stuck in the "I'll get to it" syndrome! If you buy and use any bulk e-mail list you will also get flamed, and/or mail bombed. Your account will still be terminated. These list are filled with traps, sysops, education, government and non-profit organizations just waiting to shut you down or post "Net Abuse" articles about you. Just because virtually every list is taken from names in newsgroups that are totally inappropriate to your product or service. So, what seems like a bargain for $30 or $50 for a so-called million e-mail addresses will turn out to be a nightmare before it's over. Learn how to create all the email addresses you will ever need on the fly without having to buy them or extract them from newsgroups, forums, membership directories, whatever - 100% deliverable too! Push a button and have 100,000 addresses in no time. Learn to identify All new users to the on-line world and email them before they leave (AND before anyone else could uncover them). Keep your email address totally UNTRACEABLE!!!! That's RIGHT - you will be able to mass e-mail without getting your account terminated. Using the X-15 Rocket Mailer with the Bulk E-Mailer Tools & Guide will change your life. The X-15 Rocket Mailer will enable you to sell like you've never sold before. No other program even comes close to the successs you will find using the X-15. Move light years ahead of the competition using the Bulk E-Mailer Tools & Guide. WHAT YOU WILL RECEIVE WITH BULKMAN PRO Bulkman Pro offers the following applications for the serious marketer who isn't interested in "bulk hype"; just a serious application for making serious money: CSAG address generator for generating thousands of addresses in minutes of brand new members. No need to go hunting them down and extracting them from online sources. On the average I can generate 5,000 100% deliverable addresses of brand new members that NO ONE has mailed to in 5 minutes a evening. Don't e-mail asking me how that is possible, I won't share the nuts & bolts of it. This is a closely guarded trade secret that only is disclosed to purchasers (I won't even allow images of it). X-15 mail system. X-15 not only sends your mail very quickly and easily, it also will post messages to any number of selected newsgroups. If that isn't enough, it will even extract addresses from any number of selected newsgroups right off your host news server just like NetContact. You can select to exclude any type of addresses from being captured very easily. X-15 also has built in "Email Cloaking" to allow you to use your own local ISP for sending your mail with, avoiding having to search for bulk friendly ISP's or other undesirable means to accomplish mass mailings. Click here to view X-15. ELM is a Email List Manager that will allow you to easily manage all your lists with just your mouse. Here is some of the tasks accomplished by ELM: * 1) Compare and remove differences between any two lists. * 2) Merge any kind and number of lists and will auto sort and remove duplicates quickly. * 3) Split any list into smaller list. * 4) Generate targeted lists that matches your target audience to use with X-15 in mailing your message to. * 5) Generate AOL addresses from captured AOL chat rooms. AOL has over 300,000 new members signing up a month, there is no other way of obtaining all these new members addresses than this. Using any other bulk mail program would only yield 5% of these new members! * 6) Auto extract 'remove' requests. Complete users guide to help walk you along step by step in a hyper-link style format along with useful bonus software. Learn how to send mass e-mail ll the time without hassle and needing to join a service and for free if you wish. How to get around online services domain blocks so that all your e-mail is assured of being delivered. You will also receive software as a means to link you up to a mail gateway so that you can start sending mail thru right away without delay at no cost or sign-up requirements if you so choose to use this option. You can then securely send mass mail and post newsgroup messages anonymously. What a deal! If you are going to make MEGA Income in this business, there is only one way to do it; and ONLY one way. I will reveal to you the right way so you can stop doing it the wrong way. Let the competition continue doing it the old way so you can cash in on their ignorance. You will NOT find this information anywhere else. It is extremely confidential. You will be asked to sign a non-disclosure with your order to prevent the disclosure of this information. If you are currently happy with your e-mail marketing, then it makes even more sense to use this program to compliment your existing marketing to maximize your marketing efforts because there is simply nothing like this! BULKMAN-PRO was designed to sell for $1695.95 It is a Professional Bulk E-mail system. Order within 10 days from the date on this message and you get: The X-15 Rocket Mailer Retail $499.00 CSA Address Generator $395.00 AOL Address Generator $495.00 Bulk E-mail Tools & Guide $299.00 Get the COMPLETE package for a INTRODUCTORY Price of $499.95 plus $3.50 Shipping & Handling. All orders received after the tenth day following the date on this MESSAGE will be charged the normal discounted rate of $699.95 plus $3.50 Shipping & Handling Also included if you order within the next 10 days: BONUS*** FREE Newsgroup Posting device which allows you to post 1 or 1,000 newsgroups at once. FREE Bulk E-mail Extractor that allows you to extract e-mail addresses from the Internet. SAVE $200 - ORDER today! Take Advantage of the 10 DAY DISCOUNT SPECIAL! The BULKMAM PRO comes with a 100% UNCONDITIONAL MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. You have everything to GAIN and NOTHING to lose! FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE WE ACCEPT ALL FORMS OF PAYMENT CASH, CHECK, M.O., CREDIT CARD, CHECKS BY FAX, PHONE OR E-MAIL. MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO: PHOENIX INTERACTIVE BULKMAN PRO is the complete Internet Business in a Box. ROCKET YOUR WAY TO WEALTH IN CYBERSPACE! NON-DISCLOSURE I Agree not to reveal, make available the information I am to receive from Jim Smyser to anyone. This information is confidential, and I hereby agree to keep it strictly confidential and to myself. Signature: ____________________________________ GUARANTEE: YOU HAVE A LIMITED 10 GRACE PERIOD in which you can return your purchase for full refund if it does not meet your requirements. After 10 days there are no refunds. Please understand this policy before ordering. TO GUARANTEE YOU GET THE INTRODUCTORY PRICE PLEASE INCLUDE A COPY OF THIS MESSAGE AND DATE RECEIVED. (Name)_________________________________________ (Address)______________________________________ (City, State & Zip)____________________________ e-mail address ________________________________ WE ACCEPT CHECKS OVER THE TELEPHONE, OR BY FAX for your orders. Fax your order to: 213-737-1497 Enclosed is a check for $___________ Check Ordering Info: MAKE ALL CHECKS PAYABLE TO: PHOENIX INTERACTIVE Name (exactly as it appears on check _______________________________________ Check # Dollar Amount ________________ $________________ Telephone # __________________ Bank Name: _____________________ Bank Address ______________________________________________ Numbers at Bottom of Check(read from left to right, please indicate blank spaces with a space: ________________________________________________ Charge My (VISA) or (MASTERCARD) or (AMEX) Number _ _ _ _ -_ _ _ _ -_ _ _ _ -_ _ _ _ Expiration Date _____ Approved ______________ (card holder) Credit Card orders call 1(213)-737-1494 DISTRIBUTORS: Snail mail Address Phoenix Interactive Global Enterprises P.O. Box 88506 7025 OldTrail Road Los Angeles, CA 90009 Suite9178 Fort Wayne, IN 46899 ANOTHER PHOENIX @ GLOBAL ASSOCIATION
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