New Customers for your Neighborhood Business, Church, Practice...

You know that new customers are the lifeblood of any local business; and WE CAN HELP YOU FIND MORE! That's because we know WHO'S NEW - those who recently came to live in your market or service area. We can tell you each month who and where they are, so that you can advertise to them (eg by mail) before they have time to get established with your rivals. Whether you own or manage a retail store, a clinic (medical, dental, veterinary...), a church, club, a private school, beauty salon, restaurant, professional office or bank - this is a prime opportunity to gain MORE new clients and so to increase growth. What we can help you do is MORE THAN to replace customers who move away; to get more than your "share" of new arrivals to Town, by putting YOUR name and special offer before them at the very time they are making decisions about whom to patronize. If you don't own or manage such an establishment, please pass this along to a friend who does. But if you do, find out more details now from our Web site, which you can reach at Sincerely, Jim Davies
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