Your Internet Privacy
"NET DETECTIVE" EASY WAY TO FIND OUT ANYTHING ABOUT ANYONE ON THE INTERNET (Special Business Owner's Edition} DID YOU KNOW THAT: With the internet you can discover EVERYTHING you ever wanted to know about your EMPLOYEES, FRIENDS, RELATIVES, SPOUSE, NEIGHBORS, even your own BOSS! You can check out ANYONE, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE, right on the internet... The Internet is a HUGE and POWERFUL SOURCE of information, if you only know WHERE TO LOOK. You WOULD be amazed to discover the amount of PERSONAL information other people can find out about YOU! Or you can find out about THEM. ******************************************* INFORMATION AVAILABLE ABOUT YOU Right now, with just your name and address, I can find out what you do for a living, name and age of your spouse and children, the make and color of your car, the value of your home, (and probably how much you paid for it), credit information, your employment records, family tree, military records, which web sites you visit, etc., etc., etc. I can even find that long forgotten drug bust you had in college. AND THAT'S JUST THE BEGINNING, but you get the idea. ****************************************** GOOD NEWS The good news is that now YOU can find the same information, and more, about almost anyone. We have compiled a MAMMOTH COLLECTION of internet investigative tools that will provide you with ... * Over 210 gigantic internet resources and URLs to locate people, credit records, social security, current or past employment, mail order purchases, addresses, phone numbers, maps to city locations... It's truly incredible, the information available... *********************************** YOUR COPY Now, YOU CAN HAVE A COPY of this gigantic resource. Here are just a few of the things you can do with it: * Check out business associates and employees. * Someone owe you money? Now you can track them down and find hidden assets. * You can locate an old friend, a missing family member, classmate, even a lost love. * Find e-mail, telephone or address information on anyone! Even look up "unlisted" phone numbers! * Investigate your family history! Check birth, death, or social security records. Check service records of Army, Navy, Air Force or Marine Corps. * Check your own credit reports so you can correct WRONG information that may be used to deny you credit. * Trace your FAMILY TREE. * Check adoption records. Find long lost or missing children or parents. * Check out your daughter's new boyfriend! * Find trial transcripts and court orders! * Find out how much ALIMONY your neighbor is paying. * Find EMPLOYMENT opportunities ALL OVER THE WORLD! * SCREEN PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYEES -- Check their credit, driving or criminal records Verify income or educational accomplishments AND * You'll even find TIPS to help you "discover" the amount of someone else's INCOME. ********************************* WAIT, THERE'S MORE! You will also discover: * How to "CLOAK" your email so your TRUE email address can't be discovered. * How to make phone calls through a third party so the number called doesn't appear on your phone bill. * Where to find a list of SPEED TRAPS throughout the USA. * How to check out the ETHICS and business practices of businesses worldwide, including those on the internet. * Where you can get SECURITY PRODUCTS such as recording and tracking equipment, bomb detectors and much more. * Information on UNTRACEABLE ASSET protection (anonymous banking) and more * How to locate MILITARY records from Viet Nam, Korea, WW II, etc... * How to search LEGAL opinions, trial transcripts, etc... *Find Wanted FUGITIVES -- maybe your secretive neighbor! *Great for checking out PROSPECTIVE EMPLOYEES. EVERY BUSINESS SHOULD HAVE A COPY! Allows you to check for driving and criminal records BEFORE you hire them. RESEARCH YOURSELF FIRST! You may be astounded at how much data is available on the internet about YOU, YOUR FAMILY, AND YOUR BUSINESS. There are THOUSANDS of BUSINESS and PERSONAL USES for these tools. ******************************************************************** "NET-DETECTIVE" Now, YOU CAN HAVE YOUR OWN COPY OF NET-DETECTIVE! With it you can VERIFY your own records, or find out the information you want and need to know about others for personal and business reasons. And this huge collection is ONLY THE BEGINNING! While not all the sites are free, many are. And at many you'll find even MORE links to even MORE information! ********************************************* HERE'S MORE! * With this research kit you'll discover what information is available to you, and the EXACT URL to get you there! * Includes easy-to-browse, categorized compilation of information, with a simple and easy to understand explanation of how to use each site, and what you'll find when you get there -- with shortcuts to extract the most current and best data available anywhere! INCLUDING ... Personal ads, logs of personal e-mail, any mention of individuals anywhere on the internet (including PRIVATE bulletin boards), lists of resources to find even more information (private investigators, etc...), how to leverage one database against another, up-to-the-second news reports on any subject you choose, and MORE... With "NET DETECTIVE" you can explore the HIDDEN PAST of anyone; and discover those LITTLE SECRETS EVERYONE HAS HIDDEN.
Order within 48 hours and you get the entire kit of investigative tools (approximately 35 printed pages) at a special reduced price of just $22. (The regular price for the kit is $35). Our order forms are SAFE and SECURE. The material is UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED to work for you. Over 1,000 hours of research and testing went into the development of this material. And now it can be yours. Just follow the instructions below, and your copy will be delivered to you by email so you can have it IN YOUR HANDS WITHIN MINUTES from now. ********************************************** SPECIAL FREE BONUS Order within 48 hours and we will also include as a special FREE BONUS, a copy of our INVESTIGATIVE SOURCES PROGRAM. This program contains the tools and resources used by private investigators across the country and comes with its own Windows/Win95 interface making it quick and easy to use. ************************************************ UNCONDITIONAL GUARANTEE Remember, as with all of our publications, we UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEE IT WORKS and that you will be delighted with it. YOU CAN'T LOSE. *************************************** HOW TO ORDER Ordering is SAFE and EASY! For more information, or to RECEIVE this 35 page report and your bonus materials by email just go to our INSTANT-DELIVERY SECURE ORDER FORM at: SPECIAL NOTE: If you are busy and don't have time to go to our web site INSTANT-DELIVERY ORDER FORM, you can order by FAX. (The unconditional guarantee still applies!) Just fill in the FAX FORM AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS PAGE. Then FAX it to us at: 1-305-289-1884 If you order by FAX, your copy of NET DETECTIVE will be sent to you by email within 24 hrs. OR. if you prefer, you can send your order by SNAIL MAIL to the address below. (Be sure to include your email address for delivery.) We will send your copy BY EMAIL the same day the order is received. ORDER NOW! YOU'LL BE GLAD YOU DID! Leeds Publishing 5800 Overseas Hwy., St. 35-154 Marathon, Fl. 33050 Fax 305-289-1884 ___________________________________________________________________ ___________________________________________________________________ FAX OR MAIL ORDER FORM (Please print clearly) (Report is sent by EMAIL) FAX TO: Leeds Publishing 1-305-289-1884 OR MAIL TO: Leeds Publishing 5800 Overseas Hwy., St. 35-154 Marathon, Fl. 33050 Hi: Here is my order for "NET DETECTIVE" at $22 total. I understand it is unconditionally guaranteed. Include my FREE DOUBLE BONUS copy of INVESTIGATIVE SOURCES--WINDOWS/WIN95. Send by email ASAP. Date:__________________
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