US govt claims to want to combat "computer terrorism"

Somehow, I suspect that their efforts will A: not include any non-GAKed cryptography involvement, and probably minimal GAKed cryptography - less chance of someone using superencryption in a hard-to-detect fashion. I also suspect that they'll be cutting down on anonymnity, or at least trying to. Notice the link to an almost completely unrelated incident, namely the Oklahoma City bombing. -Allen
_ Wednesday July 17 1:28 PM EDT _
U.S. urges "Manhattan Project" for cyber security
WASHINGTON - The Clinton administration is urged U.S. industry to join in a sweeping new drive to protect computer networks and other modern lifelines from attack by terrorists and others.
[... Jamie Gorelick, or whatever her name is (yes, the pro-GAKing one), said:]
"What we need, then, is the equivalent of the 'Manhattan Project' for infrastructure protection, a cooperative venture between the government and private sector to put our best minds together to come up with workable solutions to one of our most difficult challenges," she told the Governmental Affairs permanent subcommittee on investigations.
President Clinton set the stage for such a blitz Monday with an executive order setting up a blue-ribbon panel that will recommend measures to safeguard such lifelines as telecommunications, power systems, water supply, and gas and oil storage and transportation. The panel is to be chaired by a presidential appointee drawn from the private sector and will include representatives from government and industry.
The administration began to focus on the issue after the April 19, 1995, bombing that killed 168 people in an Oklahoma City federal office building.
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