spread spectrum radio communications
Sunday 3/29/98 6:59 PM John Gilmore John Young J Orlin Grabbe Waiting for Patty to check out at the Albertsons today I looked at Scientific American, April 1998. Scientific American has GREAT ARTICLE on spread spectrum radio communications. Hopefully messages about NSA crypto algorithms we tried to bring out in my SAND report are 1 shift register based 2 parallel in nature The stuff Grabbe wrote at http://www.aci.net/kalliste/cryptnum.htm and http://www.aci.net/kalliste/stefbrdc.htm is great. But THIS IS NOT WHAT NSA USES FOR THE REAL STUFF. In fact, when NSA/Sandia tried to use the chips described in [5] Whitfield Diffie, "The First Ten Years of Public Key Cryptography," Proceedings of the IEEE, 76(5), May 1988. they met with a financial disaster. $300k to recalled EACH nuke to remove the chips, I was told by Jerry Allen. http://www.aci.net/kalliste/nukearse.htm Real world engineering considerations requires simplicity. Reliability in the field. NSAs Brian Snow told us the problems of fielded algorithms implementations. Now that NSA's Trojan Whore? is published at http://caq.com/CAQ/caq63/caq63madsen.html perhaps few will trust putting their confidential information into chips or machines manfactured by others. Cylink is BIG into spread spectrum communications. And, John Gilmore, I think you are right about there being some real business opportunities in this area. Madsen's article may cause others to leave this business. Later bill
participants (1)
bill payne