<HTML><PRE><BODY BGCOLOR="#000000"><FONT COLOR="#00FFFF" SIZE=3> LOW INTEREST CREDIT CARDS If you have been denied a credit card OR you are paying more than 10% APR on your credit card, you should take time to read this. YOU COULD QUALIFY FOR A LOW INTEREST CREDIT CARD WITH NO ANNUAL FEES............AS LOW AS 4.9% APR Dear friend, If you're currently using a high-interest MasterCard or Visa credit card, you could be paying an Annual Percentage Rate as much as 19.8%. By transferring the current balances from your high-interest rate MasterCard, Visa, Discover or Optima(sm) cards to your new low-rate credit card, you can begin saving money immediately. For example, *first year savings with a 5.9% APR credit card is : _____________________________________________ If your average And your current APR is.... balance is.... 15.9% 17.4% 19.8% you save you save you save _____________________________________________ $2,000 $155 $185 $233 $3,000 $220 $265 $337 $5,000 $350 $425 $545 _____________________________________________ * First year savings based on a constant balance with a 5.9% APR for six months and a 12.9% APR for six months, plus a $25 annual fee savings. We know that saving money is important to you. That's why the staff at Credit Business Systems works tirelessly to provide to you some of the best credit card values in the nation depending on your credit profile. The CREDIT CARD GUIDE contains all the necessary information for individuals who have been denied credit and cardholders who are paying more than 10% APR. You can qualify for a credit card even if you have: NO CREDIT HISTORY, PREVIOUS OR CURRENT CREDIT PROBLEMS, A LOW INCOME, JUDGEMENTS AND LIENS, HAD A DIVORCE OR EVEN IF YOU HAVE FILED FOR BANKRUPTCY. For a small fraction of what you pay in high interest fees, you can order the guide and start saving immediately. Our guide is priced at $19.95. All that you will have to do is complete the application form below, and mail it with payment as indicated on the form. We will mail the guide to you within 10 days. WE GUARANTEE THAT UNLESS WE HELP YOU TO GET A LOW INTEREST CREDIT CARD, OUR APPLICATION FEE OF $19.95 WILL BE REFUNDED! Mail the APPLICATION TODAY! Ordering Information The Guide Only Costs $19.95 + $4.00 for shipping and handling. Total $23.95 Want faster shipping? Add $10.00 more for RUSH processing. Please make your check or money order payable to: CREDIT BUSINESS SYSTEMS Here's How To Order: 1) Personal checks 2) Money Order 3) Credit Card Order Form ======================================================= PLEASE PRINT AND FILL OUT THE APPLICATION FORM BELOW: (circle one) Money Order Check Credit Card ( VISA, M/C, Discover ) NAME __________________________________ ADDRESS __________________________________ CITY ___________ STATE _______ ZIP __________ EMAIL ADDRESS_____________________ ANNUAL INCOME___________ CREDIT CARD(S) BALANCE _____________ OCCUPATION _____________ CREDIT CARD #_________________________ EXPIRE DATE___________ * CREDIT CARD ORDERS; TO EXPEDITE PROCESSING, FILL OUT ALL INFORMATION, PRINT AND FAX TO; (619) 683-9130 Guide Fee $19.95 Shipping & Handling 4.00 RUSH processing Total $_____ Signature________________ Date____________ FIRST 50 ORDERS GET TO CHOOSE A FREE GIFT (CIRCLE ONE) 1) WATCH 2) CREDIT CARD WALLET 3) GOLD PLATED PEN PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: CREDIT BUSINESS SYSTEMS AND MAIL TO: CREDIT BUSINESS SYSTEM 6161 El Cajon Blvd. #B-427 San Diego, CA 92115 /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3>
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