Re: PGPMail Log File

On 31 Jan 1997 09:27:45 -0500, you wrote:
At 02:22 AM 1/31/97 +0000, "Robert Rothenburg 'Walking-Owl'"
< WlkngOwl@unix.asb.comwrote:
Is there a way to disable the \WINDOWS\PGPW_32.LOG? In subtle ways it's a security hole if left to accumulate over time, since it keeps records of which keys you encrypted messages to. [..] I understand in certain group/corporate environs one would want logging; in others, one doesn't need it or should have the option (in an easily found place) to wipe it every once in a while.
This is a damn good question. I do NOT have the "write to a log file" option slected in the misc. tab and it STILL writes a log file. How DO we disable this?
Well, I just found that option to uncheck it (thanks to your message) so I'll try it w/the log file unchecked and see what happens. (Duh!) Rob
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