Re: G7 Anti-Terrorism Reports [BRIEF]

On 30 Jul 96 at 18:47, Jonathan M Summers wrote:
At 1735 CDT on Tuesday, July 30, 1996, CNN Atlanta during World News Tonight reported (in a _very_ brief flash) several "resolutions" adopted by the Group of Seven (G7) trade meeting in Paris.
At the bottom of the list of resolutions was to "prevent terrorist from using the Internet" (quote from CNN anchorwoman).
The Pacifica Report noted 'more controls on the Internet' and controlling the use of encryption, but didn't discuss this at length. Rob --- No-frills sig. Befriend my mail filter by sending a message with the subject "send help" Key-ID: 5D3F2E99 1996/04/22 (root@magneto) AB1F4831 1993/05/10 Deranged Mutant <> Send a message with the subject "send pgp-key" for a copy of my key.
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