IP: One Million Sign Petition to Kill IRS Code
From: believer@telepath.com Subject: IP: One Million Sign Petition to Kill IRS Code Date: Thu, 29 Oct 1998 19:47:24 -0600 To: believer@telepath.com Source: US Newswire http://www.usnewswire.com/topnews/Current_Releases/1028-112.txt NFIB: One Million Sign Petition to Kill IRS Code U.S. Newswire 28 Oct 12:00 NFIB: Petition to Kill IRS Code Hits Million Signature Mark To: National Desk Contact: Jim Weidman of the National Federation of Independent Business, 202-554-9000 SAN DIEGO, Calif., Oct. 28 /U.S. Newswire/ -- The National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) today reached a milestone in its drive to abolish the federal tax code and replace it with a simpler and fairer system. At a downtown rally here today, NFIB President Jack Faris announced that the national petition drive calling on Congress to sunset the current IRS code had collected its one-millionth signature. Onlookers cheered as Faris placed the landmark signature atop an 18-wheeler stacked with scores of boxes bearing signed petitions collected during the group's year-long campaign. Labeling the petition drive "the most ambitious tax reform initiative since the Boston Tea Party," Faris expressed thanks to the more than 30,000 small-business owners who served as "volunteer captains, collecting signatures on Main Streets throughout the country in this unprecedented grassroots effort to restore reason to our tax system." The nation's leading small-business advocacy group, NFIB has 600,000 members nationwide. "We now have 1 million reasons for Congress and the president to do what's right for small business, and what's right for America," Faris said to a crowd of hundreds who gathered in front of an IRS office building for the tax reform event. "These first 1 million petitions will serve as the symbol as well as the fuel that keeps this effort to abolish the code going strong. We won't give up!" Faris also added that "NFIB will continue to gather petitions and grassroots support, because Washington sees the light when they feel the heat from Main Street." Faris outlined his group's plan for action in the 106th Congress: "NFIB will continue to stand up for small business on this issue and others. We will be a catalyst, urging Congress to sunset the IRS code as the first step toward responsible tax reform, so that the new century may begin under transition to a new tax system." Noting that the nation's economy is strong, and economic optimism is high, Faris said, "This is the right time for Congress and the president to answer the call from grassroots America and replace our broken tax code. To ignore that call -- at a time when we are able to answer it -- would be irresponsible. One million signatures can't be ignored." The San Diego rally was the latest event in NFIB's ongoing "Campaign for Responsible Tax Reform," which was kicked off one year ago in Independence, Mo. Today's event was simulcast live on the Roger Hedgecock Show on KSDO-AM (1130) and KOGO-AM (600). ----- For a copy of NFIB's Seven Steps to Responsible Tax Reform, or any other materials related to the campaign, visit NFIB's special Web site at www.not4IRS.org. -0- /U.S. Newswire 202-347-2770/ 10/28 12:00 Copyright 1998, U.S. Newswire ----------------------- NOTE: In accordance with Title 17 U.S.C. section 107, this material is distributed without profit or payment to those who have expressed a prior interest in receiving this information for non-profit research and educational purposes only. For more information go to: http://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/17/107.shtml ----------------------- **************************************************** To subscribe or unsubscribe, email: majordomo@majordomo.pobox.com with the message: (un)subscribe ignition-point email@address or (un)subscribe ignition-point-digest email@address **************************************************** www.telepath.com/believer ****************************************************
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Vladimir Z. Nuri