Re: Regulate them to 'double-death'...

Anonymous wrote:
On Sat, 4 Oct 1997, Anonymous wrote:
No, instead, Canadian students terrorize each other with old-fashioned forms of violence, like at Cole Harbor high school in Newfie'land, where they use baseball bats to keep the niggers in line, and in Montreal, where four teenagers have been driven to suicide in the last few weeks by the 'taxing' they have endured from the youth gangs that roam the subways. Perhaps Canada needs 'more' regulation...
Canada ia not perfect, no country is, but men and women typically feel safe enough to walk the streets alone at night.
The same is true of most places, even the ones known as being dangerous enclaves of the 'bad' people. The fact is, those who live in any given area generally do not feel too threatened when going out and about in 'their' part of town. I spend time in the areas of Regina, Saskatchewan and Oakland, California, that most of the 'regular' folk avoid. I have seen people shot and stabbed in both places, but I feel safe enough to walk those streets alone. I have been robbed a couple times in both areas, and have given up the cash I was holding, even when I was armed much better than those robbing me. I didn't feel like killing them.
Racial hatred is not accepted in the communities at large
Kiss my ass. Racial discrimination is not *recognized* in the communities at large. I like to use the word 'nigger' as often as possible in Berkeley, California, (a prison for the politically correct) just because it pisses all of those oh-so-liberal hypocrites who shit their pants when a black person moves into *their* neighborhood. I like to use the word 'wagon-burner' in Regina when dealing with social workers who use the politically correct term, Native Canadian while they discriminate against the 'wagon-burners' in every possible way.
nor is wife-beating.
Joke heard in a Canadian Bar at 11:37 pm, Sat. Oct. 3, 1997: Q: "What do you call a woman with two black eyes? A: "Nothing. She's been told *twice* already!"
The fact that you list all the newsworthy examples of teen violence speaks volumes onto itself.
No. The fact that I did not list the 'volumes' of examples of teen violence in Canada is newsworthy.
The typically Canadian gun owner uses it for one of two purposes; the most common usage is 1) sport hunting 2) target shooting - I have used a gun many times, never towards a living being.
Sounds like the typical *American* gun owner. Canadians whack out fewer people with weapons than Americans, but so do people in prison. Go figure... Canada does not have the magnitude of problems that the US has because there are only about 20 million people in the whole goddamn country, and there are not nearly as many hugely populated cities. As well, Canadians spend a great amount of their time huddled inside their igloos during the year, and are too busy trying to keep warm to spend much time murdering their fellow citizens. Got to run. I'm a cop, and I haven't beaten up my quota of wagon-burners for the day. CanuckMonger
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