Linda Reed--PCC West Campus CSC <>: Re: Army of Dog - SPACE ALIENS HIDE MY DRUGS!!!
I was asked to forward this message to the Cypherpunks list by Linda Reed...Who sent it to me as a responce to one of my e-mails...I know that by doing so, I risk being kicked, stomped, beated siverly amongst the neck and shoulders, and even flamed...But I think so many of us are not looking at the true messages involved in these 'spams'. Reed is makeing several REALLY good points...Given, Reed does rant a bit...And some of what is writen is just so much bullshit...But all of it, taken in context, is Truth (TM)... Let me make a suggestion to Reed and all others involved...There is a time and place for everything...The time for rEvolution, as Reed puts it, is _NOW!_ However, Cypherpunks is not the place...So does anyone know of any good e-lists that would love to get the ALIANS posts? Maybe your five minute's of thought on a way to help Reed will make everyone happy, Vs the hours some of us are spending complaining about the damn thing. D ___________________________________________________________________ ---Begin Forward Message--- The Geezinslaw Brothers, from Austin, TX, had a song called, "If You Think I'm Crazy Now, You Should Have Seen Me When I Was A Kid." I envy today's youngsters, who have the opportunity to participate in a Virtual Revolution that is every bit as serious, and will have consequences just as great as, any so-called World War that has ever been fought in the history of human evolutionary development. I envy them because they have, if they seize the opportunity, a chance to engage in rEvolutionary acts of Virtual anarchy, derring-do, war & violence which will not threaten the lives of those whose only crime is to be in the wrong place at the wrong time, physically, but will threaten only those whose crime is to be in their own mindspace, at the right time for them to be there, but refusing to allow others the same right. I do not pass judgement on Timothy McVeigh, any more than I pass judgement on Che Guerva, Louis Riel, Leonard Pelltier, or Ho Chi Min. They did what they had to do, and they used what they thought was the best judgment and tools of their day. Anyone who claims to judge a moral differnce between them and those they opposed is a fucking BeanCounter, and should be in line behind the lawyers when the firing squads line up. I wish that Timothy McVeigh could have done what he did within the confines of Digital Reality, on the InterNet, perhaps blowing a hole in the ElectroMagnetic Curtain that would allow the children to survive, but also allow them to glimpse what was on the other side of the wall, so that it could not be denied once the hole was closed. That was not to be... [KFor all of the sincere intent underlying my TruthSPAMing and RealityBlathering, I find myself at a loss to truly describe what I see as the importance of those entering the Digital/Global/Interactive Age that is being born to realize that *they* will be the ones who either allow the dinosaurs of the past to usurp the current rEvolution of human development, or to act as the Founding Fathers ojf a Global/Digital Democracy, recognizing that the dinosaurs are wearing red, marching in straight lines, and cussing out the shit-disturbers as cowards for hiding behind Digital Trees known as Remailers. The Great Myth is that there isn't enough to go around. Enough *what*? Money? - There's as much as we agree there is... Time? - I spent a good part of the day sitting on my ass... Love? - I love Janet Reno and Louis Free. They're great targets... Cadillacs? - Any President who proposed to block communism in southeast Asia would have been laughed out of office. It turns out that it would have saved us money and invigorated the auto industry. Cadillacs? - Any President who proposed to block communism in southeast Asia by buying everyone a Cadillac would have been laughed out of office. It turns out that it would have saved the US money and invigorated the auto industry. Freedom & Privacy? - Like Cadillacs, there is as much as we are willing to pay for. We are not going to be able to have it, however, until we are ready to make the giant leap of faith it takes to trust that $30,000 is better spent in promoting Freedom & Privacy, than buying another toilet seat for the Censorship CCoommiittee executive restroom. If there is enough BullShit to go around, then, according to the Eternal Laws of the Tao, there is enough Reality to go around, as well. Those who recognize the Reality that I profess as the TruthMonger might get the impression that I am attempting to hoard the Truth, because their isn't enough to go around. Nothing could be further from the Truth (TM)... I'm willing to share... As a matter of fact, I could use some of yours, since I'm starting to run a bit low, as a result of begining to believe my own press when others indicate that I am something special, because they agree with me, and thus I run the risk of becoming a Spokesperson For Consensus, franchising the TruthMonger persona, and speaking the EasyTruths in order to capture the mass-market when, in reality, I could retire quite comfortably from the income I receive from having Truth (TM) trademarked, since everyone who speaks the Truth (TM) currently has to send me a nickle, or I'll sue their sorry ass... One more beer, and I'll be losing NoMoreMrNiceGuy... The Cold Hard Truth: Truth, Freedom, Privacy, Love, ad infinitum...all have a Cost! The LIE: That which we have an inherent Right to, should be Free! The Reality: Virtual/Conceptual/Idealistic Reality have a physical cost, but they also have spiritual earning power. Humans are both physical and spiritual beings... It 'costs' you $1.00 not to knock someone over the head with a rock when they are standing beside you at a bus stop with a dollar in your hand. Your soul appreciates $1.00 if you refrain from doing so... The choice is yours, and yours, alone. (Although my personal *opinion* as to the ethics/morality of your decision might vary depending on whether or not *I* am the person standing next to you at the bus stop.) I don't know how many soul-credits it cost Tim McVeigh to bomb the Murrah Federal Building, and I don't know how many soul-credits he earned for waking up government employees to the fact that their actions have consequences, as well. That is between Tim McVeigh and his Accountant. There is a Cost to telling the truth, to taking a stand, to refusing to be be oppressed/repressed in Virtual Reality. I have had my possessions confiscated and criminal charges filed against me as a result of speaking what I consider to be the truth, within the confines of CyberSpace. Freely speaking my mind has led to physical retribution against me. I can vouch for the fact that Freedom of Speech has a Cost. I am willing to pay that Cost... I am more than happy to pay whatever price it requires to be the TruthMonger, because that what is important to me. I'm not doing anyone any favors...I am doing what I feel it is my role to do. My definition of a Hero, is a person who does what they can, who fulfills the role that they have the capacity to fulfill. A man who charges a hill, and dies in the process, is a Hero if he does it because he looks around him and sees that it is his role, his time, his destiny. A man who charges a hill, and lives in the process, because of the expectations of others, is a fool. I have seen Heroes who charged the hill because they looked around them and saw Warriors who had families waiting for them, while they had none. I have seen Heroes who charged the hill when they knew it would likely result in their families waiting in vain for their return, because they knew that their actions would result in a dozen families not having to grieve the loss of a loved one. I don't expect todays CyberWarriors to get their asses shot off for thumbing their noses at authority--that is foolish. However, if you're sitting at your desk at the HeadQuarters of the Great Oppressor, and HeOrShe walks in, hands you the latest model of DeathRay, asking your opinio, and you decide to do something very, very foolish...I'll understand. All I'm saying is that Values, Concepts, Ideals, Ethics, all have a cost. Whatever you can contribute in the physical realm to help cover that cost is 100% deductible in the esoteric realm. Andy Warhol prophecied that everyone would receive their fifteen-minutes of Fame, in *his* future. TruthMonger's Prophecy is that, in HisOrHer future, everyone will get a shot at the Great Oppressor. Use it, or lose it... Love, Toto *********************** p.s. - I am currently writing on an early Sperry computer which has 128K of RAM, and can barely run WordPerfect 4.1, and then having to transfer it to Windows 3.0, to clean it up, before sending it to a hacked Unix account and transferring it via a VAX system to its destination. Thus I cannot cc: this without fucking it up, and I would appreciate it if you could send it to so that I could download it tomorrow. p.p.s. - I have had a long, hard life, in which I have done some stupid things, some evil things, and some mindless things, but I've also done some things that are beyond fucking belief. Overall, life has been incredible, but I look upon the coming generation with envy, because there is a transition coming that--LOVEorHate/WARorPEACE/WINorLOSE--will give each and every particpant in the experience a chance to exit this mortal plane with a smile, and the words, "It's been Real (TM)." --------- End forwarded message ---------- _____________________________________________________________________ You don't need to buy Internet access to use free Internet e-mail. Get completely free e-mail from Juno at Or call Juno at (800) 654-JUNO [654-5866]
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