Bleep! I pulled up (for whatever reason), flipped back to my ISP shell account, did some stuff, logged out. Five minutes later, my PPP connection timed out, and so the line dropped. Two minutes after that, my computer dialed up my ISP and connected to the Net again: it was the LANL page. I hit 'STOP', and the connection timed out again, and that was that. I hate the way there isn't some choice about allowing (JAVA?) to NOT do that unless expressly allowed. I wonder what LANL loaded into my system that needed Net connectivity after seven minutes??? ---guy Vulgersauris is a shadow of his former self.
I hope you'll endure a product endorsement.. use Anonymizer Surfing when trolling for "sensitive" information on web sites you don't trust. Stops Java, Javascript, and cookies, hides your IP address, etc. Free trial available with delay; $5 per month in quarters eliminates the free trial delay. Yes, it's still sometimes slower, because the traffic travels further, but now it's sitting on a pretty reliable ATM network with decent connectivity. Mark Hedges Anonymizer, Inc.
Two minutes after that, my computer dialed up my ISP and connected to the Net again: it was the LANL page.
I hit 'STOP', and the connection timed out again, and that was that.
I hate the way there isn't some choice about allowing (JAVA?) to NOT do that unless expressly allowed.
At 8:05 PM -0800 2/11/98, Mark Hedges wrote:
Free trial available with delay; $5 per month in quarters eliminates
Hey, the _postage_ on mailing 20 quarters every month will get to be a headache. Can't you accept dollar bills? Or a check? --Tim May Voluntary Mandatory Self-Rating of this Article (U.S. Statute 43-666-970719). Warning: Failure to Correctly and Completely Label any Article or Utterance is a Felony under the "Children's Internet Safety Act of 1997," punishable by 6 months for the first offense, two years for each additional offense, and a $100,000 fine per offense. Reminder: The PICS/RSACi label must itself not contain material in violation of the Act. ** PICS/RSACi Voluntary Self-Rating (Text Form) ** : Suitable for Children: yes Age Rating: 5 years and up. Suitable for Christians: No Suitable for Moslems: No Hindus: Yes Pacifists: No Government Officials: No Nihilists: Yes Anarchists: Yes Vegetarians: Yes Vegans: No Homosexuals: No Atheists: Yes Caucasoids: Yes Negroids: No Mongoloids: Yes Bipolar Disorder: No MPD: Yes and No Attention Deficit Disorder:Huh? --Contains discussions of sexuality, rebellion, anarchy, chaos,torture, regicide, presicide, suicide, aptical foddering. --Contains references hurtful to persons of poundage and people of color.Sensitive persons are advised to skip this article. **SUMMARY** Estimated number of readers qualified to read this: 1 Composite Age Rating: 45 years
At 6:33 PM -0800 2/11/98, Information Security wrote:
I pulled up (for whatever reason), flipped back to my ISP shell account, did some stuff, logged out.
Five minutes later, my PPP connection timed out, and so the line dropped.
Two minutes after that, my computer dialed up my ISP and connected to the Net again: it was the LANL page.
I hit 'STOP', and the connection timed out again, and that was that.
I hate the way there isn't some choice about allowing (JAVA?) to NOT do that unless expressly allowed.
I wonder what LANL loaded into my system that needed Net connectivity after seven minutes???
Perhaps LANL felt it needed to analyze what was on your computer? To see if you were an Iraqi or Albanian or Quebecois spy attempting to learn atomic secrets? (LANL for those of you mysitified by this is Los Alamos National Laboratory, of course. A beautiful place, high in the Jemez mountains of New Mexico. As nuclear weapons work has been declinining, they've been casting about for a new mission to justify government pork being sent their way. One of their new interests is in hacking, intrusion, and "open sources.") --Tim May Just Say No to "Big Brother Inside" ---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---- Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, ComSec 3DES: 408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets, Higher Power: 2^3,021,377 | black markets, collapse of governments.
participants (3)
Information Security
Mark Hedges
Tim May