The Revolution is NOW! (Think about it, Gertrude...over a Stein of beer, perhaps?)

* What Goes Around, Comes Around: Since taking control of most of Afghanistan in September 1996, the religious Taliban army has enforced strict, conservative Islamic rule, especially regarding the work, recreation, and dress of women. Now, according to a report in the London Daily Telegraph in November, a splinter Muslim group about 200 miles north of Kabul has begun to train a women-only battalion to fight the Taliban. Females from the Hazaras, a Turkic Mongol ethnic group, have been training at a secret location and will soon begin a major recruiting campaign. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ WEIRDNUZ.520 (News of the Weird, January 23, 1998) by Chuck Shepherd NEWS OF THE WEIRD, founded in 1988, is a nationally syndicated newspaper column distributed by Universal Press Syndicate. To receive the columns by e-mail, free of charge, send a message to with the Subject line of Subscribe. To read these News of the Weird newspaper columns from the past six months, go to (That site contains no graphics, no photos, no video clips, no audio. Just text. Deal with it.)
participants (1)
Blanc Weber