The Australia/Israel Review list and Jetset Travel
Dear One Nation supporter in NSW, It should be noted by One Nation supporters that the man behind the Australia/Israel Review, Mr Leibler, is one of the men behind Jetset Travel. When booking your next holiday trip I would ask you to consider what Leibler's views are on the publication of the list of the names and Suburbs of 2000 One Nation members and donors in the Australia/Israel Review. Mr Leibler said the decision to publish the list of members and donors was in the interests of "political transparency". He said concerns about privacy had been met by not publishing full addresses and telephone numbers. What Leibler failed to mention is that they published the suburbs that members live in. Many One Nation members had phone calls from the media - contacts made directly through the list published by the Australia/Israel Review. The Australia/Israel Review has since shelved plans to publish the names of One Nation's remaining 8,000 members. Mr Leibler said: "We feel we have made our point." Perhaps it is time for One Nation supporters to make their point? Jetset can be contacted on: GWB Scott Balson
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