Re: CDT Policy Post 3.08 - Senate Committee Approves Key Crypto Bill

Kent Crispin wrote:
On Fri, Jun 20, 1997 at 04:50:16PM -0700, Declan McCullagh wrote:
Statements similar to yours have been made so many times, scolding "extremists" for "not being realistic." I seem to remember something about extremism in defense of liberty being no vice, and moderation no virtue. Either way, if you compromise, you don't get what you want. That is absolutely obvious. So why compromise?
Because half a million dollars is better than no dollars? Because in real life the vast majority of choices are not binary?
"Give me half my freedom, or hurt me bad." - Negotiator Crispin
The real question is: What is the most *effective* way for achieving your ends.
"Give me compromise, or I will give you death." - Prosecutor Crispin Wasn't someone named Crispin one of the original signers of the "Declaration of Wishing We Weren't Oppressed"? Half-TruthMonger
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