Re: [NOISE, FLAME] Cypherpunk kook slanders

At 12:23 PM 7/14/96 EDT, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote: [Alot of bullshit deleted]
I remember how someone recently argued on news.groups that Bruce Bough's votes should be invalidated because he's dying from AIDS. I strongly disagree with Dan's (?) reasoning, which was, I recall, that someone with only a couple of months left to live shouldn't be telling others how to run Usenet after his death. I think we should consider Bruce's opinions as being representative. After all, a Usenet vote is an interest poll, and the voters are just a sample of a larger population. Not everyone who thinks like Bruce Bough is going to die together with him from AIDS within a few months (sigh). Let him vote.
I have no idea where you got the idea that Bruce has AIDS. I know Bruce well. He does not have AIDS. You have no clue as to what the hell you are talking about. I understand him being pissed at the accusation. This society does not deal very well with people with AIDS. Bruce has a justifiable concern as to lasting damage to his reputation due to unfounded allegations. (Of course, it is not as bad as accusing someone of being a child mollester, as your friend Dr. Grubor enjoys doing to people he disagrees with...) Bruce *does* have health problems. He has worked DAMN hard to overcome them. They are not a figment of his imagination, nor are they the result of AIDS. They are a very real problem which he is trying to deal with in the best way he can. As for him "dragging outside articles into this group"... You must mean him mentioning your recieval of the "Net Kook of the Month Award". It probably was off topic. After reading your forwards however, it was not undeserved. Another thing that you need to do is learn how to comprehend written english. You stated:
In article 2, Bruce Bough follows up on my article and threatens to prosecute me under the Americans with Disability Act for misspelling his name.
He did nothing of the sort. He threatened to prosecute you for slandering him (by stating he has AIDS when he does not), not for the spelling of his name. He stated:
Further, you might want to read up on the Americans With Disabilities Act. Slanderous and defamatory statements about the handicapped - and my government agrees that I do have a real problem, though it's not AIDS - open you up to interesting liability.
I don't understand why you feel the need to cast aspersions on those you disagree with. But you should not be surprised when it pisses people off. Bruce is a very nice guy who has some health problems. I know few people who have met him who have not gotten along with him. Why I should take the word of someone with your attitude over his is unclear to me. Acting like an asshole does not gain any sympathy for your cause. Bruce has killfiled you. I do not blame him. You remade my killfile list as well. Get a life. --- Alan Olsen -- -- Contract Web Design & Instruction `finger -l` for PGP 2.6.2 key "We had to destroy the Internet in order to save it." - Sen. Exon "Microsoft -- Nothing but NT promises."

Alan Olsen <> writes:
At 12:23 PM 7/14/96 EDT, Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM wrote:
[Alot of bullshit deleted]
As an amusing aside, the text that Alan Olsen deleted was the quote from our least favorite cripple. My response only started here:
I remember how someone recently argued on news.groups that Bruce Bough's vot should be invalidated because he's dying from AIDS. I strongly disagree with Dan's (?) reasoning, which was, I recall, that someone with only a couple of months left to live shouldn't be telling others how to run Usenet after his death. I think we should consider Bruce's opinions as being representative. After all, a Usenet vote is an interest poll, and the voters are just a samp of a larger population. Not everyone who thinks like Bruce Bough is going to die together with him from AIDS within a few months (sigh). Let him vote.
I have no idea where you got the idea that Bruce has AIDS.
I was also responding to this article by Dan Hartung, a Usenet votetaker: ]Path: ...!Q.Net!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ddsw1!!usenet ]From: Dan Hartung <> ]Newsgroups: news.groups,alt.config,soc.motss ]Subject: Re: Proposal: Ban Homosexuals for Usenet Votes ]Followup-To: alt.bonehead.john-grubor ]Date: Sat, 15 Jun 1996 00:08:26 -0500 ]Organization: Rotaract Club of Evanston ]Lines: 13 ]Message-ID: <> ]References: <> ]NNTP-Posting-Host: ]Mime-Version: 1.0 ]Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii ]Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit ]X-Mailer: Mozilla 3.0b4 (Win95; I) ] ] wrote: ]> The Subject says it all. Usenet votes are supposed to be reader interest ]> polls. Who cares about the opinions of someone who's going to die from AIDS ]> in a month, and won't be rrading Usenet anyway? Their votes shouldn't count. ] ]Absolutely. I couldn't agree more. But we have to have a litmus test, ]a means for determining precisely who is homosexual. I know! We'll ]just assume anyone who conceals their identity is homosexual. ] ]-- ]Daniel A. Hartung | I believe we can fly ] | on the wings that we create ] | -- Melissa Etheridge As you see, I find Dan Hartung's homophobic ravings even more distasteful than the whining cripple's censorous demands that cypherpunk technology not be used to promote homophobia, as in the abive example. I actually defended the cripple from Dan Hartung in the above quote. As for AIDS, I remind you that some people with AIDS or HIV lie about their condition on purpose, in order to infect others. A very angry demented cripple would fit this pattern.
As for him "dragging outside articles into this group"... You must mean him
Alan Olsen is lying again, as usual. The cripple has on numerous occasions forwarded entire large Usenet articles to the cypherpunks mailing list whose only relevance was a mention of my name in some derogatary way. He's been trying to drag his little Usenet flame wars to this mailing list for months; finally he succeeded.
Another thing that you need to do is learn how to comprehend written english.
That's a pretty racist remark.
Bruce is a very nice guy who has some health problems. I know few people who have met him who have not gotten along with him.
Are you talking about the same demented cripple who tried to organize a "cypherpunks" meeting at his place and specifically excluded certain people because he didn't like their political views? --- Dr.Dimitri Vulis KOTM Brighton Beach Boardwalk BBS, Forest Hills, N.Y.: +1-718-261-2013, 14.4Kbps
participants (2)
Alan Olsen