BOOST YOUR WEB SITE'S TRAFFIC--GET LISTED ON YAHOO! ---------------- THE MARKETING BENEFITS OF HAVING A YAHOO! LISTING FACT: Yahoo! is the most important search engine/directory on which your Web site can be listed. FACT: Independently conducted Internet studies show that 42% of all Internet traffic and 70% of all business-to- business Web site traffic is generated from Yahoo!. FACT: Getting your Web site listed on Yahoo! is without question the single most important marketing step you can take to promote your Web site. EXAMPLE: For some of our clients, a Yahoo! listing is the only Internet advertising they have--and the only advertising they need. EXAMPLE: Some of our clients now receive over 20,000 hits per *day* and do well over $100,000 in Internet sales per month--not from expensive advertising, but all from a single Yahoo listing. ---------------- YAHOO! REJECTS 90% OF ALL SUBMITTED WEB SITES--BE IN THE 10% PROBLEM: In case you didn't know, Yahoo!'s staff rejects over 90% of the submissions they receive. SOLUTION: Our R&D division has studied hundreds of sites-- both those that have been successfuly indexed and those that have been rejected. SOLUTION: Based on our findings, we've helped hundreds of clients not only get their site into the Yahoo! index, but into a very prominent place within that index. The Yahoo! Project Team can do the same for you. ---------------- MY SITE HAS ALREADY BEEN REJECTED BY YAHOO! WHAT CAN I DO? PROBLEM: "I submitted my site to Yahoo! but it was rejected. What can I do now?" SOLUTION: If your site has already been rejected--don't despair. We've helped many clients' sites get into Yahoo!'s index even after they've been rejected. ---------------- THE YAHOO! SITE SELECTION PROCESS--IN A NUTSHELL "I can just submit my URL and be considered for a listing, right? It's easy, isn't it?" No. It's not. Read on to learn why. PROBLEM: Every site that gets accepted into the Yahoo! directory is scrutinized by a Yahoo! "editor." The first step in the submission process is to get an already overworked editor to look at your site. SOLUTION: We have a carefully-researched technique to help your site's chances of being examined. PROBLEM: Before submitting, your site *must* be prepared for the Yahoo! editor's "10 minute lookover." In order to grab that editor's attention--and get listed--you need to understand what he or she will be examining to determine if your Web site gets a Yahoo! listing. SOLUTION: Our R&D division has studied hundreds of Yahoo! rejection letters and learned why Yahoo! editors commonly reject sites. In short, we can *tell* you ---------------- SOLUTION: THE "SECRETS TO GETTING A TOP YAHOO! LISTING" REPORT We offer an information-packed "Secrets to getting a top Yahoo! listing" report that will tell you exactly what Yahoo! editors will be looking for when they evaluate your site. You can learn from hundreds of other people's mistakes so that you won't make them when submitting--or resubmitting-- your site. Here's what's covered in the report: <> A general overview of Yahoo! and how it works <> The technical details of what they look for <> What *specific* types of content you *must* have <> What *never* to do before submitting to Yahoo! <> Why looking at your competitors is so important before submitting <> The specifics of how to submit properly to skyrocket your chances <> The best-kept secret on the net: this single submission technique alone has achieved top rankings for many of our clients! ---------------- FOR THE SERIOUS SITE OWNER--THE CUSTOMIZED YAHOO! EVALUATION We also offer a "Customized Evaluation" service where we'll examine your site like a Yahoo! editor will--and tell you, step-by-step, each of the changes you'll need to make before submitting to Yahoo!. The "Customized Evaluation" includes all of the information from the "Secrets to getting a top Yahoo! listing" report *plus*: <> A customized evaluation of your competitors' sites and why they are so important to consider before submitting <> An evaluation of your site's technical specs. and recommendations for improving them <> An evaluation of your site's content and recommendations for improving it ---------------- SUMMARY: WHY YOU NEED A GOOD LISTING ON YAHOO! (1) If you're thinking of submitting your site to Yahoo! --or have already tried and failed--put our research and the failure of others on your side. (2) Let us help you dramatically improve the effectiveness of your on-line marketing efforts. Preparing your site for Yahoo! is worth the extra effort. (3) Remember: Yahoo! is the only *free* Internet marketing resource that can help you to increase your long-term goals of widespread exposure and profitability. (4) Best of all, once your listed in Yahoo, you're there forever. This one-time effort will be rewarded with years of residual benefits. benefits ---------------- PRICING "Secrets to getting listed on Yahoo!" report -- $99 Customized Web site evaluation (incl. report) -- $249 ---------------- CONTACT US: Call us at: (314) 994-1286 <> Learn more about the Yahoo! project and us. We'll explain exactly how we can maximize your particular site's chances of a top Yahoo! listing <> We'd love to answer any questions you might have! <> It could be the single most important phone call you'll ever make when it comes to the on-line success of your website! (314) 994-1286 ---------------- If you've received this E-mail in error, or do not desire to receive any further mailings from the Yahoo! Project Team, please REPLY to this E-mail with the word "REMOVE" in the E-mail's subject line. Thank you.
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