CypherPunk Post of the Century [WAS: Get your hand off that <delete> button. Now!] [WAS: It's beginning to look a lot like...Donald?]
:: Anon-To: isthisamistakeoratrick@theshadow.nose Nobody said: {Honest! Nobody said it, so I made it up and added quote marks so I wouldn't look like I was responding to my own post. If you'll check the archives, you'll find even Tim May _didn't_ say the following:}
I have refused to vote Republican for President ever since their unconscionable travesty wherein they dropped the superior candidate, the monkey, and ran Ronnie RayGuns for the position. The die (no pun intended) has been set for the next Presidential election, with Clinton being politically assassinated, and Gore getting Clinton all over him (as opposed to vice-versa in a physical assassination). I have already made my quadra-annual vow not to vote for Donald Duck for President again, but the muckers in power just won't give me a reasonable option. Oh, well. At least I can still say I'm an animal rights activist.
FREEZE! Get your finger off of that <Delete> button, and slowly back away from the keyboard... After subjecting the subscribers to the CypherPukes and Flight-from- Censorship lists to multiple spams of an Eldridge cleaverly disguised and disgusting on-topic post, I thought it would be appropriate to make amends by wrapping myself in the state flag with the python on it and writing "The History of the Present : A CypherPunk Perspective." {Originally titled, "Everything You Wanted To Know About Freedom and Privacy, But Were Imprisoned For Asking."} First, allow me to point out that those who believe my disclaimers that my posts are meaningless may possibly be even bigger fools than those who believe list posts which claim to be packed with meaning. It's a tough call... There are list subscribers who provide spoon-fed information for those who are busy and important and don't have time to think (executive sheeple?), but (Young and Hettinga both being classical examples) the pressure of faking sanity eventually gets to them and they snap into an acid-flashback condition that results in posts containing existential poetry or advertisements for grits. I, on the other hand, help balance the lists by beginning at a point of total blathering, and work my way slowly toward sanity and reason. The fact that I rarely succeed at this indicates to me that my posts are usually not long enough to complete the process, so I will endeavor to ramble on endlessly in this missive, for the eventual benefit of the person who is still reading this post. (Me?) AN INFOWAR FAIRY TALE: Ode to Bianca Once upon time there was a woman with breasts so beautiful that men would try to grab them at every opportunity, with only an honored few being allowed to touch them (as a result of recognizing that she had an equally beautiful brain). The woman worked in a computer industry dominated by young men who had spent so much time cloistered among their machines that they did not know much about humans, and almost nothing about women, including the fact that women are all witches. Thus, the beautiful witch was able to trick the owners of protruding hardware into exposing their secret things to her, so that she was able to follow the bytes as they metamorphisized into software. These men were powerful lions of the computer industry, drawing their great strength from their long mane-frames, little suspecting that a female systems analyst, with a heritage that taught her how to use scissors to cut efficiently and shape the results into a new form of clothing, might cut off the long locks from which they drew their strength, while they were sleeping, and weave them into a wig of many colors, enabling her to let down her hair, thus allowing her secret lovers to climb up to the tower of the computer master's castle. THE REQUISITE 'MORAL OF THE STORY': 'Tit men' are unlikely to notice if Lady Godiva is riding a Trojan (pardon the pun) Horse. "Am I a Freeh, dreaming I am a Zimmermann, or Zimmermann, dreaming I am Freeh?" ~ Phil Dunkelberger, General Manager, Total Nework Security Division, Network Associates "As long as we have Kim Philby defending our country, Communist Americans can sleep safely at night." ~ J. Eggbert Hoover "Be afraid. Be very afraid..." ~ Huge Cajones, Addressing the 'Global Society of Unelected Secret Committees' "Why The Government Wants Our Guns" by John Young ----------------------------------- "Why The Government Wants Our Keys" by Tim C. May ----------------------------------- The Feds have shown their hand: they want a ban on domestic cryptography "Why Privacy is Dangerous in the Hands of Non-Chinese-Communist American Citizens Who Don't Make Major Campaign Contributions" --------------------------------------------------------------- From: (SOFTWAR) One example of Reno's conflict is the Clinton China Crypto Scam. It was Reno's Justice Anti-Trust Division that authorized the merger of a major company backed by a big donor to the DNC. The companies, RSA and Security Dynamics, sought the merger in 1996 just after RSA Chairman James Bidzos signed a memo of understanding to perform "encryption research" with China. The donor, Sanford Robertson, paid $100,000 to the DNC just prior to the merger. Of course, Mr. Robertson's investment firm made a cool two million dollars on the merger deal, spurred in part by the lucrative RSA contract with the PRC. Pro-Crypto-Export Bumper-sticker: "Export Free Speech and Privacy, Not Jobs!" Anti-Domestic-Crypto Bumpersticker: "Free Speech and Privacy Kill Molested Children With Terrorist Bombs." It's comforting to know that my right to speak freely and privately in Mandarin Chinese is not being abridged... It's discomforting to realize that George Orwell was an optomist... Anybody notice that PGP 5+ 'offers' to upload your newly created key _before_ it adds it to your keyring? Everybody realize that 'VoluMandatory Offer' == 'Requirement'? Anybody doubt the future of key generation <--> key registration? My point? Those who wish to 'fight-censorship' had better be prepared to start fighting 'dirty' well as fighting 'underground'. If you think I'm kidding, reflect for a moment on why the Chinese Communists are being allowed increasing access to strong encryption while censorship fighting CypherPunks are becoming subject to an increasing number of laws restricting domestic strong encryption. i.e. - The Chinese Communists do not fit the profile of domestic terrorists, as reported recently on the list--they don't quote the Constitution and Bill of Rights and speak out against big government. The Bottom Line: Big Brother is going Global. The PowerMongers are not just dividing up the financial spoils among themselves, they are also beginning to divide up the humans and human rights among themselves. You can already be imprisoned in Alabama for your web site in Utah. It will not be long before you can be imprisoned in Germany for your web site in Alabama. The government is building their backdoors. Individuals who value their freedom and privacy need to do the same. The government is arming themselves with meatspace and cyberspace weaponry. Ibid. Don't be armed! Be very armed... Toto ~~~~ "The Xenix Chainsaw Massacre" "WebWorld & the Mythical Circle of Eunuchs" "InfoWar" "The Final Frontier" "God's Canadian Hate Page"
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