CABLE descrambler plans!
EDUCATIONAL CABLE DESCRAMBLER PLANS You can build an educational Cable TV descrambler at home. You can use this device to reinforce your understanding of TV audio and video encoding used on broadcast and cable TV systems. Note: If you would prefer not to receive these and other offers in the future, please see the list removal instructions at the end of this message, and please pardon our intrusion. ============= View all PREMIUM and PAY-PER-VIEW channels ============= This unit will allow you to descramble subscription and pay-per-view channels, allowing you to see how these scrambling technologies operate, and the varying effects they have on the underlying signal. This unit can be built from seven (7) parts available from your local electronics shop which usually cost under $15.00. Our product is an information kit containing a parts list and easy to follow, step-by-step instructions on how to build the cable descrambler from a few inexpensive parts available at your local electronics store. Your descrambler will allow you to sample ALL the Premium and Pay-Per-View channels as long as you subscribe to BASIC cable service. The assembly is very simple and does not require any kind of electronic training or experience. Just follow the clear instructions and simple diagram and you will be enjoying your extra channels in as little as an hour. So learn what goes on behind the scenes! Order your cable descrambler package today for a one time fee of only $13.95. <cut here>================================================================= ORDER FORM: Educational Cable Descrambler Plans Circle One: Cash Check Money Order Guaranteed Fee $13.95. I need you to RUSH processing. Please add $5.00: Total enclosed: $_______ Please make payable to: OPPBUILDERS Fill out the following information and MAIL TO: OppBuilders P.O. Box 38104 Baltimore, MD 21231 Name_____________________________ Address___________________ City ___________ State _____Zip __________ Phone #(____)____-________ * Email_________________________________ * will be delivered by Email if you provide this information <cut here>================================================================= LIST REMOVAL INSTRUCTIONS ========================= Simply reply to this message, and type the word REMOVE anywhere in the subject or body of the message. Our automated reply readers will transfer your email address to our filter list, and your address will be bypassed for any future mailings or lists which may include it. Thank you for your time. Sincerely, OppBuilders
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