Klaas Foundation 1998 Tour
/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// This message is intended to reach Auto Dealers & Auto Industry businesses only. If you are not an Auto related business and wish to be removed from any future contacts, please reply in the subject area only with the word "Remove" and this software will automatically block you from any future contact. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Attention: Owner - General Manager - Advertising Director The Klaas Foundation for Children Program "What a program! We bought the program and then put 5 sponsors together for the event. We own 7 radio stations and we have done many community projects. As you know, TV and Newspapers never support your efforts due to perceived competition. The Klaas Foundation program was the #1 story on TV and front page on the newspaper. Our sponsors were so impressed and more important, we fingerprinted 400 kids in 6 hours! Wayne Hardy Atlantic Star Radio Group Wheeling, WV "We are the #1 volume Chrysler dealer in Texas and #6 in the country. We are very selective about who we do business with. Mark Bott is a true professional and the Klaas Foundation program is now an every year event at our store. Our customers constantly mention the program. We are proud to be a Klaas Foundation national sponsor! Amy Bowman Grubbs Mid-Cities Dallas, TX "We had over 2800 people in our showroom on Saturday. We fingerprinted over 800 kids and in the midst of this, we sold 35 cars! Mark Bott and Marc Klaas are extremely effective in the promotion of this program and I have re-booked and sent my checks for the 1998 tour." Darren Kirkland Koon's World Ford Hollywood, Florida "I was overwhelmed with the turnout and so proud of my employees and our community. Every one in Omaha thanks me and asks when Marc Klaas will be back. I have committed to do this again next year and Norwest Bank, my cosponsor, said they are in for sure! This program still has my employees high and has spawned huge community involvement on the part of our organization. I have sold many cars to the people that I met during this program and established community, law enforcement and legislative contacts that I would have never had." Gregg Young - Beardmore Chevrolet - Omaha, NE "I represent the Fulton Auto Dealers in Fulton, New York. As their advertising agency, we inspected, made calls, asked questions and brought up what ifs to Mr. Bott when he approached us on the Klaas Foundation program. We had over $400,000 in free press generated and our dealer group has re-book for 1998. We had 650 people at the Town Meeting and have recommended this program to all of our clients without hesitation." JudySchmidt Camilus,NY History During a slumber party in October of 1993, 12 year old Polly Hannah Klaas was abducted at knife-point from her Petaluma, California home. A mass distribution of over 2 billion images of Polly was sent worldwide. She had soon become a symbol of love and lost innocence. The world froze one cold evening in December when the media reported that Polly, "America's Child," the beautiful girl with the warm brown eyes shown smiling in home videos for millions of TV viewers, was not found alive. The country was outraged. The public cried out for change in legislation and pro-action in crime prevention. "Polly was faced with a choice few people ever have to make," said her father, Marc Klaas. "By putting herself in mortal danger to protect her family and friends, Polly has become my greatest teacher." Marc Klaas immediately dove into a campaign to put children higher on the national priority list. With no prior media, political or public speaking experience, he immediately became savvy in affecting pro-active legislation, and sought to advocate children's issues and speak out on crime prevention. The Purpose A 7 day march through your state to affect State and Federal legislation on the following issues. Raising children to the #1 priority in this country. Keeping dangerous people behind bars. Making background checks mandatory for anyone that has unsupervised access to children. ( Teachers, Coaches, Day care workers and any others that work directly with our children.) Become a tour sponsor and join us for this March Across America with Marc Klaas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! For additional information to become a sponsor, please contact: Mr. Mark J. Bott, National Program Director Phone 217-529-4174 - Fax 217-529-4172 47 Auto Dealers and an assortment of other retail businesses hosted this program in 1997, so there are many references. If you are interested in bringing Mr. Klaas and the power of this program to your community, please contact us today.
Mark Bott wrote:
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If you are not an Auto related business and wish to be removed from any future contacts, please reply in the subject area only with the word "Remove" and this software will automatically block you from any future contact.
As Chief SpokesPerson for the CypherPunks Auto Dealers and Child Pornographers of America, I would like to I would like to state that we are behind you <no sodomy pun intended> 100%.
The Klaas Foundation for Children Program
"The Klaas Foundation program was the #1 story on TV and front page on the newspaper. Our sponsors were so impressed and more important, we fingerprinted 400 kids in 6 hours!" Wayne Hardy Atlantic Star Radio Group Wheeling, WV
Good work, Wayne. The New World Order spooks on the CypherPunks mailing list are proud of you for cutting down on their work load. Thanks for the help!
"We are the #1 volume Chrysler dealer in Texas and #6 in the country. We are very selective about who we do business with." Amy Bowman Grubbs Mid-Cities Dallas, TX
Happy that the program gives you an opportunity to use a dead, molested child to promote your business, Amy. Also glad that you don't just sell cars to people who have the money to buy them.
"We had over 2800 people in our showroom on Saturday. We fingerprinted over 800 kids and in the midst of this, we sold 35 cars! Mark Bott and Marc Klaas are extremely effective in the promotion of this program and I have re-booked and sent my checks for the 1998 tour." Darren Kirkland Koon's World Ford Hollywood, Florida
Good for you, Mark. That's 800 more potential customers you can track once they reach driving age. A little tip for you: if you put some blood-stains on the seats of the cars you sell during this period, you can increase your sales 50% just through subliminal erotic excitation of your customers.
"I have sold many cars to the people that I met during this program. Gregg Young - Beardmore Chevrolet - Omaha, NE
Met some nice young girls too, didn't you, Mark?
"We had over $400,000 in free press generated and our dealer group has re-book for 1998." Judy Schmidt Camilus,NY
Judy had the good sense to have her dealership's company logo added to the autopsy pictures she made available to the press. Way to go, Judy! The CypherPunks Auto Dealers and Child Pornographers of America would like to help you all increase your sales next year by providing you with computer-generated photographs of Polly Klaas being bungholed by the perpetrator. (Plenty of blood on the little tart!) To get the high-quality close-up graphic reproductions, send $49.95 to: CypherPunks Auto Dealers & Child Pornographers BOX 281, Bienfait, Saskatchewan CANADA S0C 0M0 [We also have a limited number of "Porry Kraas red him on!" bumperstickers left in our overseas warehouse.]
participants (2)