Re: Position escrow
I might wish that the government had the means to track every automobile's location.
...Planes come standard with ILR? (International Locator Radio). Cars hav accidents too often for that...too expensive to serv it maybe.
What we need are cellphone remailers.
Some might. I'm not sure how much though.
Third parties who want to use ordinary/automated cellphone tracking systems will get the physical address of the relay, not that of the phone.
number of antennae/base stations that the regular cellphone folks do, so it'll be harder for them to use trianguation and timing to derive
Hmmmm. Same principles as remailers...Latency? Relay switching? physical
Contrarily, the fewer the remailers, the EASIER--could be only one remailer to compromise. Realtime Mixmaster? Heh. Parallel MixMaster.
I expect the main countermeasure to cellular position tracking will be the use of one-way pagers.
That depends on the protocol they use. Simplex? Old things. Probably.
But one-way pagers are a dying technology - and I'll bet that within 3-5 years, it'll no longer be possible to turn off cellphones.
Perhaps if the "just turn it off" approach is widely promoted, the
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Smoking Man