No Real Debate Yet on the War
By the way, for those of you not living in the U.S., and who haven't been here to see the way the debate (or lack of it) has been developing in the U.S., let me make a few points: * the preparations for a new war have been going on for several weeks * Congress has taken no votes one way or the other about this imminent war * Congress, in fact, is not in session, and has not been called back into session to debate and discuss and ultimately vote on a Declaration of War (or what passes for it these days, a "vote of moral support") * the American public has shown a lukewarm response at best to the plans, such as they understand them * speaking of plans, the plans are very vague. The public does not know what the goals of a war might be, what the endgame options are, how many Americans are likely to die, what the likely counterpunch will be (hint: think terrorist attacks), and just how the U.S. plans to fight a war without clear goals and clear support. * essentially no one thinks a bombing campaign will either kill Saddam, who moves around a lot to highly secret locations (including houses of peasants), or will destroy all of those small cannisters of anthrax and sarin and the like...when asked, Albright and Cohen are vague and dissembling. * meanwhile, scare reports of terrorists in Las Vegas are making the headlines...a perfect "give us some jimbells to scare the nation" scenario. (With the usual scary stuff about his "survivalist" books, his membership in Christian Identity, and his links to Aryan Nation. Throw him jail!) In short, where is the debate about this upcoming war? Is Congress now so ineffectual that its main power, the power to declare war, is no longer "operative"? Amazing. --Tim May, posting before his own home gets raided for having supplied PGP to Christian Identity and Aryan Nation. Just Say No to "Big Brother Inside" ---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---- Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, ComSec 3DES: 408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets, Higher Power: 2^3,021,377 | black markets, collapse of governments.
* speaking of plans, the plans are very vague. The public does not know what the goals of a war might be, what the endgame options are, how many Americans are likely to die, what the likely counterpunch will be (hint: think terrorist attacks), and just how the U.S. plans to fight a war without clear goals and clear support.
Yes, it will be a great sight indeed to see Iraqi freedom-fighters bombing the hell out of soft targets in America, Britain, Australia and any other imperialist countries who like to consider themselves among the world police.
* essentially no one thinks a bombing campaign will either kill Saddam, who moves around a lot to highly secret locations (including houses of peasants), or will destroy all of those small cannisters of anthrax and sarin and the like...when asked, Albright and Cohen are vague and dissembling.
The same is true in the UK, a few days ago I saw a television interview (I rarely watch such rubbish but I sometimes like to laugh at the spin, but it also depresses me that most citizen-units swallow this crap) with some government minister who said that "We can attack strategic points along the production line without releasing any chemical agents", another lie. It is also a commonly held public misconception that there is such a thing as a "precision bombing campaign" (government spindoctor term) which most people believe implies a campaign where no-one is injured but we miraculously win a war without any casualties. The more American, British, Australian, French etc. troops that die in the Gulf War II (tm), the more the western world will realise that war involves losses and that we cannot go on policing the world. -- Paul Bradley "Why should anyone want to live on rails?" - Stephen Fry
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- In <>, on 02/20/98 at 09:27 AM, "Paul Bradley" <> said:
The more American, British, Australian, French etc. troops that die in the Gulf War II (tm), the more the western world will realise that war involves losses and that we cannot go on policing the world.
Well if the US was to really take the moral HighGround on this they would be bombing France and Germany for supplying them with CBW supplies for years. Does anyone have a French body count from when Israel blew up the breader reactor they were building in Iraq back in 1980? (I am sure it was far too small). - -- - --------------------------------------------------------------- William H. Geiger III Geiger Consulting Cooking With Warp 4.0 Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail. OS/2 PGP 2.6.3a at: - --------------------------------------------------------------- Tag-O-Matic: Bugs come in through open Windows. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3a-sha1 Charset: cp850 Comment: Registered_User_E-Secure_v1.1b1_ES000000 iQCVAwUBNO1JM49Co1n+aLhhAQE6gAQAovGA/woNwxyJZoiPngh+xfr61kukB+sr UQt1DP2e0d2w4GRcYRbAO7DGe4LlgiDMT+hxzKPyhqyZKW+ZeqF7Y947LtzvF7vd 0/3OQCXBeeu/YfxtBjraDtsfFloluTguDaNtjpJ2cw+MSybYss1bh5xtS+o8ta+x 2ohEZ7N8bXI= =XPgz -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
The more American, British, Australian, French etc. troops that die in the Gulf War II (tm), the more the western world will realise that war involves losses and that we cannot go on policing the world.
As with the previous round of Desert Scam, very few invaders will die, because the military objective is to cause mass destruction, not to conquer and hold. And the press will focus on the invaders that die, not on the tens or hundreds of thousands of Iraqis killed.
Well if the US was to really take the moral HighGround on this they would be bombing France and Germany for supplying them with CBW supplies for years.
They'd also be focusing on the great job they've done eliminating the entire US stock of CBW and nukes. Oh, we haven't? Well their weapons of mass destruction are Evil, and ours are Freedom Fighting Tools. Actually the US and Former Soviet Union have substantially reduced the nuclear forces, especially older missiles that are hard to maintain, but the US refused for a long time to sign the CBW treaties, and I'm not sure they ever did follow through and destroy their supplies. Thanks! Bill Bill Stewart, PGP Fingerprint D454 E202 CBC8 40BF 3C85 B884 0ABE 4639
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- on or about 980220:0923, in <>, Bill Stewart <> was purported to have expostulated to perpetuate an opinion: [snip]
but the US refused for a long time to sign the CBW treaties, and I'm not sure they ever did follow through and destroy their supplies. Thanks! Bill
they built an enormous incinerator in Utah near the Nevada border in the area of Dugway, but not within that restricted zone. it went operation about 18-24 months ago, was closed last year for verification of contamination (Utah and EPA obviously against it), and as far as I know, it's opeartional and doing its thing. the govt was also building a facility in the south pacific; maybe on what's left of Bimini or one nearby which are within the protectorate --no idea what the status of that one is except Greenpeace was doing their usual howling about transporting the stuff both in the US and across the big pond --they were planning on exporting the stuff through the port at Oakland Navy Yard. one of the largest caches of obsolete stuff used to be in the old munitions bunkers just south of Long Beach between the freeway and the ocean --if not seal beach, then huntington beach --the bunkers were for the Long Beach naval ship yard and the port of LA. have no idea what the status is as that was years ago --you can see the bunkers from the freeway --they go on for a couple miles. we did not want the incinerator on Utah, and are not too enthused about the reactivation of Dugway as a "more secure" Area 51 --it is, and much harder to access with no visibility points that plagued area 51. -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: 2.6.3i Charset: latin1 Comment: No safety this side of the grave. Never was; never will be iQBVAwUBNO6L57R8UA6T6u61AQEbkQIAlj3rAwPjFadjaNFXk4lM0M5uePUnHXTz wzgLPQZsLCPa3VmDcxDFIpQAl/K7fyNruJzLRAYJ6f2r096/DdKpyA== =AW4q -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
At 9:23 AM -0800 2/20/98, Bill Stewart wrote:
They'd also be focusing on the great job they've done eliminating the entire US stock of CBW and nukes. Oh, we haven't? Well their weapons of mass destruction are Evil, and ours are Freedom Fighting Tools. Actually the US and Former Soviet Union have substantially reduced the nuclear forces, especially older missiles that are hard to maintain, but the US refused for a long time to sign the CBW treaties, and I'm not sure they ever did follow through and destroy their supplies.
Nixon made a very big deal of signing some papers which would supposedly get rid of CBW supplies and research. This was back in 1972. (I remember this clearly, because I was in college and my roomates and I, all libertarians, hooted when the supposedly eliminated CBW weapons got loose at Dugway Proving Grounds and killed a bunch of sheeple (er, "sheep") in Utah...and an excellent and rage-inspiring movie with George C. Scott, "Rage," had a similar theme. Highly recommended, if you can find it.) What really happened is that a bunch of military bacteriological warfare facilities were turned over to the private sector. Oh, and renamed "cancer research," which looked good to the sheeple, as Nixon had just declared a War on Cancer. So, Litton Bionetics took a big piece, the National Cancer Institute formally took over some of the military's labs (but the staff remained unchanged, and some of the military brass "retired" to these now-civilianized facilities), and things went on as usual. Well, not "as usual," as it appears the secret side of governtment drastically stepped-up work on biological and chemical weapons. And the stockpiles still exist, of course. Some are corroding inside VX warheads near Hanford, Washington (a good place to be far away from). Some are stockpiled in Germany, apparently too dangerous to even move. And some are no doubt stockpiled in lots of other places. Here's a little personal story: I worked for two summers in one of the labs probably related to this whole thing. I worked in an immunology lab in the summers of 1969 and 1970, working on immunoassay methods. My job was mundane, to run experiments directed by others, to bleed mice for their serum, to run centrifuges, and so on. Others in the lab worked with monkeys, on cancer, and hepatitus. Yep, we had one of the first clean rooms in the nation, with double airlocks, devoted to Hepatitus B (I think it was). All of this in a nondescript warehouse building in Springfield, Virginia, just down Highway 95 from Washington. The company was initially Melpar, then the lab was spun off into Melloy Labs. Some of the labs, Melpar at least, were sold to E-Systems, the spook/SIGINT private contractor. (For those who live, or lived, in the D.C. area, here are a few more details. The lab was originally at the Arlington Boulevard facility of Melpar, near the intersection with the Beltway. The biological labs were spun-off and moved to West Springfield in 1970.) I hadn't thought about this work for many years, until in the past couple of years I've been reading up on the history of AIDS and the military's work on monkey viruses. (Books, "Hot Zone," "AIDS, Ebola, and Emerging Viruses," "Mary, Ferry, and the Monkey Virus," etc.) It turns out that the period 1969-73 was a period of "privatizing" much research that the military had formerly done. Several labs affiliated with defense contractors were actively working with monkey cultures, and maintaining contacts with Fort Detrick, the NIH, and the NCI. One figure that stands out in this time period is Dr. Robert Gallo, who later achieved fame for his HIV discovery (prior credit is often given to the French head of the Pasteur Institute, Dr. Luc M.). I honestly have no way of recalling if Gallo was circulating through our lab, or if the doctors I worked for (Dr. Anne Jackson and Dr. Frederick Hyams) had contact with him. As I learn more about this period, and the links between Hepatitus-B, AIDS, and the timing of the big AIDS/HIV outbreak in the late 70s and early 80s, I can't help wondering if the lab I worked in was involved in this whole affair. A lot of things match up closely, and the absorbtion of Melpar into E-Systems is part of the coincidences. But all of this was a long time ago, before many of you were born. The larger issue is that the spook side of government is only the tip of the iceberg. For every $600 million "unindentified" building out past Dulles Airport, eventually identified as the new headquarters of the supersecret National Reconnaissance Organization (NRO), there are many times as many "contractors" and "subcontractors" doing work too sensitive even for the government to do. In fact, the unknown huge building in the Virginia countryside was officially labelled as a Rockwell building, if I recall correctly.) (Readers may be familiar with Wackenhut, Science Applications, MITRE, etc. Besides the large aerospace companies, all with large spook divisions, and all with outlying offices doing work that few in the parent companies are even cleared to know about.) This is precisely the military-industrial complex that Eisenhower warned us about in his Farewell Speech, and that Washington in effect warned us about in _his_ speech, when he warned about foreign entanglements and foreign wars. Footnote: Did the U.S. government and its subcontractors develop HIV as a biological weapon? To be tested in Africa, as some suggest? Or was it an accident, an accident let out of the labs of the Naval Health Sciences labs (later Litton Bionetics) the East Bay of the Bay Area (site of many early AIDS cases)? Or is it true that HIV viruses have been found in biological specimens preserved for 40 years? And even if some HIV-like viruses existed in nature, could the U.S. have isolated it and concentrated it in those labs doing the work I described in the early 70s? I don't know the answer to these questions. As my favorite researcher into these matters puts it, "Food for thought and grounds for further research." (Dave Emory, whose tapes can be bought. Use web search engines to find URLs if interested.) One thing I know for sure, the "secret" side of government is far larger than most people think. --Tim May Just Say No to "Big Brother Inside" ---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---------:---- Timothy C. May | Crypto Anarchy: encryption, digital money, ComSec 3DES: 408-728-0152 | anonymous networks, digital pseudonyms, zero W.A.S.T.E.: Corralitos, CA | knowledge, reputations, information markets, Higher Power: 2^3,021,377 | black markets, collapse of governments.
participants (5)
Attila T. Hun
Bill Stewart
Paul Bradley
Tim May
William H. Geiger III