Re: Flag Burning...

You Crazy Americans . . . I dont think anyone else in the world would give a fuck someone burnt their countries flag, certainly not in Australia. What is it about your country?
My friend is a New Zealander. When she was in school for a short while in America, she was beaten up for not reciting the "Pledge of Allegiance" in class everymorning.
Pete Nicol Global Media Magnet
==================================================================== Although I agree that the U.S flag should not be burned (and yes I am also a veteran having served 8 years in the U.S Armed Forces), I can see other floks points in allowing the flag to be burned. I will never support it, yet since I served to keep the ability to choose a freedom that we enjoy, I do not oppose that sentiment. As to the Aussie that asked what the "fuck" we Americans give about whether or not our flag is burnt obviously does not understand how deep the grain of patriotism runs in American blood. It is something anomolous to riding a Harley. If we have to explain it to you, you wouldn't understand. In my mind it shows how little value the Aussies (or at least this particular one) place on their solidarity as a nation and belief in their own country. I place a HIGH value on my country and countrymen. (women too :-) ) That is why I get so upset when I see the degradation that is eating this country alive. All the values that made this country as powerful and great as it is are slowly being rotted away by some sort of malignant cancer that I can not fathom. I understand that The Cleavers are a concept that can never truly be lived up to, yet even if we came as close as Family Ties, I'd be happy! Some folks say that this is a symptom of too much freedom. I am inclined to agree to a certain extent, we Americans seem to have lost the ability to control ourselves and severely overindulge our whims sometimes. Yet, that is something that we have fought long and hard for, losing many a brother, father, sister, mother, uncle, aunt, and so on. Let me ask you this? Why are there so many individuals from other countries killing themselves to come live here, like the Cambodians, Vietnamese, Russians, and such? I'll tell you why. Because this country has potential, and strength. What strentgh? The strength of it's countrymen. The strength of ideals that are worth living and fighting for. Privacy is one of those ideals. That is why this channel exists! To unite us together, to try to stop the loss of one of the central themes to America. The ability to be private. To maintain a sense of individualism not found in many, many parts of the world. We stand together for the right to be human! For the right to be individuals, not clones! I for one, shall never be a clone. Neither government nor fellow human shall force me to bend my knee in deference, when that deference has not been earned. The government is trying to do that right now. That is why they are trying to take our privacy, if the know all that goes on, then control is easier. Whether through fear or through willingness, they do not care. They only want control. And we can not, should not, and many will not allow that to happen! I have seen what happens in countries where total control over their people has been achieved. The results are not pretty. Listen, Look, Learn, Aussie! You just might understand!! David Downey I am a human first, an American 2nd, and free most of all! --------------------------------------------------------- Get Your *Web-Based* Free Email at ---------------------------------------------------------

On Wed, 25 Jun 1997, David Downey wrote: [...]
As to the Aussie that asked what the "fuck" we Americans give about whether or not our flag is burnt obviously does not understand how deep the grain of patriotism runs in American blood.
As an outside odserver I see your 'patriotism' as more a combernation of ethonocentrisum and natonisum. I can't see how the unquestioning beleaf in the inhernt suppority of your nation (and this is what I have see from meany 'merkins) can be in any way healthy. I value objectivty and free thort over patriotisum. [...]
In my mind it shows how little value the Aussies (or at least this particular one) place on their solidarity as a nation
I put little value on national solidarity, I would prefur to have my own idears reather then accept the unity of interests.
and belief in their own country.
I would prefer the truth over belief.
I place a HIGH value on my country and countrymen. (women too :-) )
I value my fellow citisons the same why I value all other peaple, by the way thay act. [...]
Why are there so many individuals from other countries killing themselves to come live here, like the Cambodians, Vietnamese, Russians, and such?
Because thay are poor and beleave that in Amirica everybody is rich. Few come because of amiricans beleafs, or there great record of power. Boat peaple reguly land on our shoars and I dout that we are a powerfull nation in you view. Please excuse my spelling as I suffer from agraphia see the url in my header. Never trust a country with more peaple then sheep. Buy easter bilbies. Save the ABC Is $0.08 per day too much to pay? ex-net.scum and prouud I'm sorry but I just don't consider 'because its yukky' a convinceing argument
participants (2)
? the Platypus {aka David Formosa}
David Downey