The Bioweaponeers
The New Yorker magazine of March 9 has a long shattering essay on Ken Alibek, the former Soviet bioweapons expert, William Patrick, the US's counterpart, the state of Russian secret bioweapons development, and prospects for the spread and use of this WMD. It's far more disturbingly detailed than the New York Times and ABC PrimeTime reports, and presents a horrific spectrum of gruesome details of nearly unimaginable catastrophe fermenting in secret laboratories and deepest black storage tanks. If you thought nuclear weapons were terrifying, read this for a shocking introduction to evil which will give even thermonuclear warriors nightmares of helplessness. Where Strangelovian physicists once ruled, now reign Mad microbiologists. Richard Preston is the writer, featured on PrimeTime and author of The Hot Zone, on the Ebola virus. For those without easy access to the magazine we offer a copy: (62K)
participants (1)
John Young