Re: Transitive trust and MLM

From: IN%"" "Rich Graves" 8-MAY-1996 04:33:21.44
The fact that you're sending postcards is only a problem if you don't want them to be read. It's more the email I receive that I worry about, so all my friends use the address now.
How would this help? Whoever's wanting to monitor you will just monitor's incoming mail. -Allen

On Thu, 9 May 1996, E. ALLEN SMITH wrote:
From: IN%"" "Rich Graves" 8-MAY-1996 04:33:21.44
The fact that you're sending postcards is only a problem if you don't want them to be read. It's more the email I receive that I worry about, so all my friends use the address now.
How would this help? Whoever's wanting to monitor you will just monitor's incoming mail.
To do that they would need to crack one or more of the accounts with access to the alpha server, which would probably leave evidence, or run a packet sniffer nearby. Ironically, I am more confident of the security of than I am of my own machine. The threat profile is people who have forwarded mail with envelope and Received: headers indicating that the source is my mail spool to a mailing list. Twice. I know that I'm surrounded by insecure, non-firewalled UNIX boxes that could be running packet sniffers, and that is something I cannot fix unless I want to trade gloriously fast and reliable Ethernet connectivity for a modem. My correspondents do not have PGP and are not likely to get it. So, a public alpha nym helps in this (perhaps unique) case. also works as a permanent address (knock on wood). -rich
participants (2)
Rich Graves