We have our exits, and our entrances...

...and one man, in his time, plays many parts. To all my fans, I would like to thank you all for your support of our off-Broadway production, even though it looks like we will be closing the show after a short, eight-week run. Please don't shed any tears over the quick closing of the show, as the production was put in the hands of the government from the very start with this end in mind. I would like to address the criticism of the actors who played my defense team in the show by pointing out that their role was essentially that of bit-players in the production, not that of supporting actors as is usually the case in a production of this magnitude. This misunder- standing has led to their being criticized for their low-key presence when that is actually the role they were hired to play. There are also those who have heavily critqued the story-line of the production as being unrealistic and I will address that issue. The actual event which caused the OKC tragedy was so bizarre that the scriptwriters considered it too unbelievable to be dealt with in the final script. What happened was that a low-level government worker was doing an inventory and accidentally opened the box containing the magic bullet that killed JFK and wounded Gov. Connally. The bullet got loose and destroyed the OKC Federal Building. The script writers determined that a much more believable story was that I single-handedly performed the bombing on a day when all of the BATF agents just happened to be out of the building. (It's true. They were all in a bar down the street, working on the trial script.) I hope that you will all support me in my next role, in which I will actually play the leading role, this time, and which we tentatively plan to name, "Ernest Discovers Electricity." Lee Harvey McVeigh (.sig line left in by mistake) -- Toto "The Xenix Chainsaw Massacre" http://bureau42.base.org/public/xenix/ "WebWorld & the Mythical Circle of Eunuchs" http://bureau42.base.org/public/webworld "The Final Frontier" http://www3.sk.sympatico.ca/carljohn/
participants (1)
Lee Harvey McVeigh