Fight ECHELON while the topic is hot!
From: "William H. Geiger III" <> Date: Tue, 24 Feb 98 09:16:29 -0500
It's high time Don Mclean (sic) or someone took the extensive documentation collected in the Cryptography Manifesto regarding this, which includes massive USA domestic spying, and started writing news stories about it, and get other news organizations interested in the questions raised. Questions to be put to Senators.
Because it is ECHELON, not pedophiles, not drug dealers, that is not only the hold-up for freely exportable software, but also for why the FBI has openly moved to regulate all domestic cryptography into oblivion.
The story of massive spying is one "the American people" can understand. Cryptography is too distant.
Go for it, someone, please.
The sheeple don't care.
The sheeple are well aware of the abuses of power by our government and they don't care nor have they cared for a long time. So long as they have a roof over their heads, cloths on their back, a color TV and their microwave dinners they are willing to let the government do whatever they want.
Whooey! I'd say a number of senior people on this list are burnt out fighting the good fight. Did the government at least acknowledge it fucked up in the Weaver case to the tune of $3.1 million? Didn't the person in charge, who Freeh promoted to second-in-command at the FBI, have his career destroyed? Didn't the government finally back down on their attempt to legally kill the Unabomber? Didn't the Pentagon Papers make it out? Isn't ECHELON documented by person after person, including someone formerly in DOJ with top-secret clearance? Go for it! It is *you* who are advocating being a "sheeple"!!! ---guy Shame on you.
In <>, on 02/24/98 at 10:43 AM, Information Security <> said:
I'd say a number of senior people on this list are burnt out fighting the good fight.
Did the government at least acknowledge it fucked up in the Weaver case to the tune of $3.1 million?
Nope, as a matter of fact the Administration was just arguing before the SC that the murders in this case should not be held accountable.
Didn't the person in charge, who Freeh promoted to second-in-command at the FBI, have his career destroyed?
One scapegoat and the organization goes on, business as usual. When I see a 100,000 citizens storm the J.E.Hoover Building and drag that ratbastard Freeh out by his heals then come back and tell us what a difference you have made.
Didn't the government finally back down on their attempt to legally kill the Unabomber?
So what? IMHO he should have been fried. Hell I'll even pay for the plane ticket for him to come down here and meet 'ol sparky. :)
Didn't the Pentagon Papers make it out?
What did it change? NOTHING
Isn't ECHELON documented by person after person, including someone formerly in DOJ with top-secret clearance?
Go for it!
It is *you* who are advocating being a "sheeple"!!!
No not at all I just don't have any pie-in-the-sky daydreams that it will mean squat! I have better things to do with my time than dealing with a news media who's highest goal is to sell more tampons and toilet paper to the sheeple. -- --------------------------------------------------------------- William H. Geiger III Geiger Consulting Cooking With Warp 4.0 Author of E-Secure - PGP Front End for MR/2 Ice PGP & MR/2 the only way for secure e-mail. OS/2 PGP 2.6.3a at: --------------------------------------------------------------- Tag-O-Matic: Windws is ine for bckgroun comunicaions
participants (3)
Information Security
Julian Assange
William H. Geiger III