Senate Intel Committee on Crypto
From Senate Intelligence Committee Report 105-185, on intelligence funding for FY1999, May 7, 1998:
Encryption The Committee remains concerned about efforts to inappropriately ease or remove export restrictions on hardware and software encryption products. Export controls on encryption and other products serve a clearly defined purpose--to protect our nation's security. Therefore, the Committee believes that the effects on U.S. national security must be the paramount concern when considering any proposed change to encryption export policy, and will seek referral of any legislation regarding encryption export policy under its jurisdiction established under Senate Resolution 400. Export restrictions on encryption products assist the Intelligence Community in its signals intelligence mission. By collecting and analyzing signals intelligence, U.S. intelligence agencies seek to understand the policies, intentions, and plans of foreign state and nonstate actors. Signals intelligence plays an important role in the formation of American foreign and defense policy. It is also a significant factor in U.S. efforts to protect its citizens and soldiers against terrorism, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction, narcotics trafficking, international crime and other threats to our nation's security. While the Committee recognizes the commercial interest in easing or removing export restrictions, it believes the safety of our citizens and soldiers should be the predominant concern when considering U.S. policy towards the export of any product. The Committee supports the continued control of encryption products, and believes that a comprehensive strategy on encryption export policy can and must be developed that addresses national security concerns as well as the promotion of American commercial interests abroad. The Committee looks forward to working with senior Administration officials in developing such a strategy. ----- Full report: (94K)
participants (1)
John Young