<HTML><PRE><BODY BGCOLOR="#000000"><FONT COLOR="#00FFFF" SIZE=3> SAY GOOD-BYE TO AOL TIMERS AND ELIMINATE YOUR FRUSTRATION FOREVER!! Are you tired of the "AOL Timers" interrupting your time on the internet? Are you looking for something to solve this problem? HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU: Stepped out of the room to go to the bathroom to find out you have been kicked off AOL. Then you have a hard time getting back on!! Or, you were downloading a file and AOL kicks you offline. Then it takes forever to do it all over again!! This "SOFTWARE PROGRAM" dismisses the "idle" and 46-minute "stayonline" messages that AOL uses to annoy the hell out of its members. Once you install the software, you do nothing but enjoy being on AOL. Before I had this program installed, I had to reboot when this happened. It is a small memory resident program (actual disk size is 119KB - IBM Compatible only). The timer hits the buttons automatically when they come up. THIS "SOFTWARE PROGRAM" WILL BE EMAILED AS SOON AS WE RECEIVE YOUR ORDER (Not for MAC Users). HOW TO ORDER YOUR TIMER This program sells for $5. Send a check, money order, or cash to: Aaron McKay 21111 hwy 140 E. Dairy OR, 97625 Name:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Street Address:__________________________________________ City:_____________________________________________State:__________ ZipCode:____________ Area Code & Phone:__________________________ EMAIL:___________________________ </FONT><FONT COLOR="#000000" SIZE=3>
participants (1)