From Russia With Love

A CyberPsychotic wrote:
So what you think?:) I want to place it somewhere anonymously..
--------------------------------------------------------------- <html><head><title>the Black List</title> </head> <body> <strong><center>The most honest page ever been made.<br> </center></strong> <p> <hr> Disclaimer: The things covered in this page are just expressing my sence of the reality. I don't even pretend to claim that my own opinions express the minds of all the people around, even though I feel that many friends of mine would agree with me here. Writing it I just use my right for "speaking freely".If you get pissed off you'd better <a href=> leave it NOW</a> <hr> Description: This page covers the (su|o)bjects which generally have been pissed me off during my life, so I decided to publish 'em. Wonder Why? Just because I want to.. If you ever want to contribute you may send me your ideas to <a></a> However if you feel like flaming me send it to <a href=mailto:root@localhost>separate address</a> so i could sort it out:-). <p> Be ready for the most disturbing and pathethic truth you ever heard.. <p> <quote>Remark:Most of statements here are provoked by Tequila Breeze. Alas, Great Drink. </quote> <hr> <ul> <li> I hate <a href=>the Fucking Country</a> I live in...
<p> Why? There are many reasons.<br> <ul> <li>This country makes me feel like a bunch of monkeys rule it. They make rules and laws for people, but what the fuck they don't follow 'em themsleves?
<li> They have fucking right to claim we are democratic? But why the hell they violate even basic human rights ? <li> They claim they build civilized country, but civilized country cares of its citizen, not robes them. <li> They claim that everyone is equal before the face of law? But What the FUCK some are more EQUAL than others? And why the hell, they forget of equality when things start dealing with MoneY or Relatives?
<li>You may claim that there are some (lots) of things which are free for now, and which are "real freedom". But i will tell you that's because those Morons just are too stupid to figure out how to exploit it, or it is just being
overlooked .. yet... But be sure they will sell your country to <a href=>Yankee's Goverment</a> some Day.. </ul> <li> Does it make you feel than any other country is better? No WAY. Take a look on <a href=> Russia </a> with their moronic Drunk-head President and Puppet-like parlament or <a href=> United States</a> with helpless president and crazyBUCK-ruled congress.I could state more arguments why those countries suck, but I'd better leave it for those who <a href=> live there</a>
<li><a href=> MiKr0SlopHt</a> <p> If you are Wind0gze user, i hope there are even no reason to explain You why MicroSloft sucks. Ever have found yourself standing Helpless before their stupid GUI and "Can't remove tmp directory. Reformatting Disk C:.." like message and wondering for the XXXth time "why the heck i started using Microsoft products?", or finding one day morning all your files being stolen and removed due to lame security<a href=>(read NO SECURITY)</a> developed by'em?
<li> Lamers and Wannabies<br> .. Hah... there are no MORE annoying people than those who think they KNOW everything or peretend to .. <li> Fuckin' Elite <br> I just can't understand why those fucks claim they are better than me just because their Dads made more bucks that I do, or they could
move their asses there and here in the cars while i have to walk. </ul> </body> </html>
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