Army, Navy and Alt2600 Farce

## Anon-To: Pretty Lousy Privacy <plp@dev.null> :: Subject: POP Secret Communication / Boil in oil after Reading!!! COMING IN ON A WING AND DISPAIR (29 April 1998) Pilots are leaving the Air Force like fleas jumping off a dead dog. If this exodus in blue doesnt stop, there wont be anyone left to fly the existing megabuck fleet of aircraft or the trillion dollar fleet of space-age new fighters the Air Force wants for the 21st century. Without pilots its going to be even harder to justify all these costly new silver bullets when a congressperson or two without bases or flying machine plants back home comes asking, "Who needs these suckers when missiles, robots, bugs and germs, and 16-year-old hackers will be the weapons of the future?" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ "That wasn't hacking, cracking and phreaking...that was 'unauthorized military training'!" ~ Lou Tenant, Graham (Cracker) Johnny (DuneWadd) Buller (Shit) AttackAdamMe of Computron Seances and Waste Drugsposal

On Wed, 29 Apr 1998, Toto wrote:
Pilots are leaving the Air Force like fleas jumping off a dead dog. If this exodus in blue doesnt stop, there wont be anyone left to fly the existing megabuck fleet of aircraft or the trillion dollar fleet of space-age new fighters the Air Force wants for the 21st century.
If you think it will be hard to find people who are willing to join the military just to have a shot at flyin' mach 2 with their hair on fire, you're gettin' too damn old.
participants (2)
Rabid Wombat