From what I have heard, the plan is to then use the proceeds to erect the next, EVEN MORE CONSTRICTING WEALTH EXTRACTION AND SLAVERY SYSTEM. They have been doing this LIKE CLOCKWORK on a schedule of about every 60-70 years, which seems to be about the limit of the public's memory and the lifespan of
not to encourage any paranoia or conspiracy theory, but this is an interesting warning I saw on another mailing list that I thought I'd pass on--- From: xxxxx Date: Tue Jun 24 21:49:18 PDT 1997 Subject: LOSE MONEY FAST!! I am writing this to WARN THE PUBLIC of a very DIABOLICAL SCHEME that is RIGHT NOW playing out in the market and ingeniously designed to separate GULLIBLE INVESTORS from their lawful returns. I cannot now reveal exactly the name of the company involved, but I will identify it by the initials "FRN". FRN directors are involved in a complex STOCK MANIPULATION SCHEME in which they are selling additional shares of the company beyond those in circulation, with only the hazy knowledge of the existing stockholders. This is being done IN COLLUSION WITH GOVERNMENT REGULATORS, who are receiving kickbacks from the operation! In other words, individual investors of FRN believe they own 1/n of the company, when in fact there are more shares in existence and they actually own far less than the fraction indicated on their certificates! The additional shares are owned by directors of the company who are secretly releasing the FRAUDULENT SHARES on the market with PRECISE TIMING, such that whenever the legitimate value of the company increases, they release new shares for sale at the current share price. The net effect is that market share prices creep up in value only marginally while the directors effectively INCREASE THEIR CONTROL of the corporation by STEALING FROM SMALLER SHAREHOLDERS. Some select shareholders are allowed to participate in the plan if they increase the profitability of the company, but in their BLIND GREED have not done the math and do not realize that they are in effect LOSING MONEY even though numerically their supposed shares are compounding regularly! In effect the corporation is COUNTERFEITING ITS OWN SHARES under the full knowledge and supervision of the topmost echelons, and the general ignorance of shareholders! This thievery is paid for courtesy of an ever-increasing percentage of the company's shareholders without their awareness! In fact, because so many shareholders are participating, the whole system can be thought of as a massive form of INVISIBLE SLAVERY! The energy of the shareholders that is successfully improving the company is being siphoned off by their "masters", while the masters insist that the company is not even breaking even! Perhaps you may scoff, but remember, THE PERFECT SLAVE IS THE ONE WHO DOESN'T REALIZE HE'S A SLAVE, and an even better one RIDICULES THE POSSIBILITY. And--some slaves THINK THEY ARE MASTERS when in fact they are really SLAVES. (Do you live in a "land of the free"? Are you sure?) FRN has been operating since 1913 and has sucked in huge masses of unsuspecting shareholders who do not realize that it is a massive pyramid scheme that must eventually collapse! Initially the effects were negligible but the disparities among shareholdings has been magnified exponentially over the years. Shareholders have not realized this EVIL TRICK because the company has been growing incredibly rapidly with massive profits that are never reaped by the DESIGNATED VICTIM SHAREHOLDERS but instead skimmed by the CONSPIRATOR'S ELITE. A sophisticated and well-funded PR Office of the company has hypnotized the shareholders into believing their shares are far more valuable than they really are, even in spite of OBVIOUS SIGNS OF DEPRECIATION! The grotesque nature of the beast is revealed in that eventually, with mathematical certainty, doing absolutely nothing, the SINGLE SHAREHOLDER who owned the greatest share at the beginning of this hoax will eventually OWN VIRTUALLY THE ENTIRE COMPANY, with all other shareholders owning virtually nothing! ("The rich get richer and the poor get poorer"-- with some of the poorer thinking they are getting richer!) But the system will collapse before then after enough shareholders FEEL THE SQUEEZE. Unfortunately, it is likely the shareholders will only realize they have been CHEATED and get ANGRY once the whole snake oil enterprise CRASHES! At that point, whoever will be left holding the bag will be mostly random! But what about the masters? Hopefully when the pyramid scheme FINALLY DOES CRASH, the shareholders will have learned their lesson, and go after those truly responsible instead of fighting among themselves, or at the very minimum STOP INVESTING IN PYRAMID SCHEMES! However, history has suggested that the current FRN owners have been using the same strategy in many prior shell games and escaped many previous company "bankruptcies" with their wealth unscathed, and are right now shrewdly planning their escape route by cashing out at precisely the right instant in their LATEST AND MOST GREATEST SKULLDUGGERY EPISODE as well! the system. In fact, it has been going on so long the masters have convinced the population that it's a regular and unavoidable phenomenon! I don't know what will happen, but I am sending this warning to YOU PERSONALLY to check to see if you own shares in FRN, and if so, SELL THEM IMMEDIATELY and invest your hard-earned money into some LEGITIMATE ALTERNATIVE that doesn't steal from you merely by owning it. Also realize that TRADING FRN SHARES, while convenient, is PLAYING INTO THE SCAM! Quite insidiously, far more people own and trade shares in FRN than realize it due to indirect ownership! The MASS DELUSION is everywhere! Eventually the corruption in the government and greed in the population will have to be cleaned up so that companies such as FRN can never begin operating in the first place, and THE TEMPLE IS FOREVER RID OF THE MONEYCHANGERS. But your FIRST DEFENSE is your own intelligence. Remember, YOU CAN'T CHEAT AN HONEST PERSON! Part of the moral is to KNOW WHERE ALL THE SHARES ARE and to MAKE SURE THEY ADD UP TO 1! The TREACHEROUS HIGHWAY ROBBERS will invent elaborate, complicated, INCOMPREHENSIBLE reasons why they don't, such as talking about what paper the stock certificates are made out of, or how high government taxes are, or pointing at programs for share-trading among shareholders. But remember, this is all SMOKE AND MIRRORS--a certificate that says 1/n is a CONTRACT no matter what kind of paper it is printed on, the entire government recently became ANOTHER LOSING SHAREHOLDER, and the net result of the share-trades NEVER ESCAPES THE SHARE PARASITES! Please don't attack the losing shareholders! If you have problems identifying the thieves, remember, THEY'RE THE ONES WHO AUTHORIZED RELEASE OF THE FRAUDULENT CERTIFICATES in the first place, IN EXCESS OF FACE VALUE. And they'll likely be unscathed after the collapse, but keeping an extremely low profile! (But don't blame the printers! And don't believe it if the "authorizers" pretend to be the "printers"!) Take back your power and DEMAND ACCOUNTABILITY, otherwise, you're just ANOTHER VICTIM FOR THE CON GAME! May God be with you--

Vladimir Nuri <vznuri@netcom.com> quotes some whistle blower:
FRN directors are involved in a complex STOCK MANIPULATION SCHEME in which they are selling additional shares of the company beyond those in circulation, with only the hazy knowledge of the existing stockholders. This is being done IN COLLUSION WITH GOVERNMENT REGULATORS, who are receiving kickbacks from the operation! In other words, individual investors of FRN believe they own 1/n of the company, when in fact there are more shares in existence and they actually own far less than the fraction indicated on their certificates!
That scenario sounds familiar. FRN wouldn't be FRB (Federal Reserve Board), aka US government manipulation of the money supply to use inflation as an invisible tax would it? (Or any government, they all do it). Adam -- Have *you* exported RSA today? --> http://www.dcs.ex.ac.uk/~aba/rsa/ print pack"C*",split/\D+/,`echo "16iII*o\U@{$/=$z;[(pop,pop,unpack"H*",<> )]}\EsMsKsN0[lN*1lK[d2%Sa2/d0<X+d*lMLa^*lN%0]dsXx++lMlN/dsM0<J]dsJxp"|dc`
participants (2)
Adam Back
Vladimir Z. Nuri