Bienfait Reptilian News - SPACE ALIENS HIDE MY DRUGS!!!

RIP/BNN - SPACE ALIENS HIDE M DRUGS!!! _______________________________________ Bienfait Nutly News--Desert Storm / Texas Tornado Special: [BNN-Tucson, Arizona--THE 'FOUR CORNERS' SEARCH FOR A PAIR OF Certified CopKillers took a bizarre twist today, when it was learned that the Author of SPACE ALIENS HIDE M DRUGS was apparently serving merely as a diversionary decoy for LEA's involved in the search, while an unknown compatriot was busy either providing clandestine supply support for the pair, or perhaps even arranging transportation for the suspects to a safehouse located outside of the search area. Under cross-examination by a variety of LEA/Spooks, the RCMP involved in setting up the Author on a variety of charges under the Criminal Code Of Canada admitted that they had been holding back evidence suggesting that the Author was not acting alone in his TRIN VirtualNuclear Diskette Bomb Soft Target World Tour. Newspapers dated after the Author's flight to semi-safety south of the forty-ninth parallel were found at the scene of the first VirtualNuclear Device discovered by the Royal Canadian Mounted Police at the Court House eleven KILLometers from MongerItaVille, home of the Bienfait Nutly News, where the Author was scheduled to be railroaded into serving a four-year sentence for 'Failure To Appear' on the 'Dog At Large' charges trumped up by local Bienfait officials under RCMP direction. "There were two different sets of newspapers dated after the Author's flight from Canada found at the scene of the First VirtualNuclear Device." an RCMP official foolishly revealed to the Flying Spook assigned by the US Air Force to investigate the Author, never considering that the agent may have been 'turned' by the Circle of Eunuchs into a secret ally. "We traced the placement of one of the sets of newspapers to the Author's nephew, Human Gus-Peter, who had been promised a new state-of-the-art computer in return for helping to obstrufucate the details behind the placement of the TRIN VNDB Device. The second set of newpapers, from an earlier date, were obviously placed by an unknown entity, working in collusion with the Author from the beginning." The Flying Spook, in his first action as the new editor- in-chief of the Bienfait Nutly News, informed the RCMP that the Author, after mailing evidence of RCMP illegal activity, collusion and conspiracy to a Time/Netly News reportwhore from Sidney, Montana, had holed up at the Way Station in Gillette, Montana, for a few days, proceeding south only after meeting with a shadowy figure who had given one of the local residents of the homeless shelter a handful of Canadian coins when asked for spare change. The Flying Spook also suggested that the Author's travel schedule, seemingly laying an interrupted trail through the HeartLand of paramilitary activity on the way to theYT targets along the way, was actually a diversionary tactic designed to divert attention from the movements of his conspiratorial compatriot--rumored to be a long-time active member of the Circle of Eunuchs and CyphperPunks Disturbed Male LISP, as well as a recent inductee into the Army of Dog. The new Editor-In-Chief of the Bienfait Nutly News also revealed that his investigation into the alleged connection of the NuclearBomberAdulteress in Minot, North Dakota, and the ButtonBomberJoyRider from Tucson, Arizona, to the Circle of Eunuchs and Army of Dog had turned up a variety of startling facts, despite the Flying Spook's failure to include those facts in his official report. Among those facts are the following: EveryBody Wants To Go To Soviet Heaven, But No One Wants To Spy: It took the Flying Spook only a few weeks to verify hard links between the Author and a variety of single, double and triple agents ranging from Scotland to the Middle East--from the 1800's to the 1990's. The Author's background had been invesigated previously, to little avail, and the Flying Spook was mystified as to how apparently competent investigators could fail to realize that the key to covert and subversive links very often lie in the history of the women 'behind the throne', so to speak. Elanor Roosevelt, Lady Byrd Johnson, Nancy Reagan...even Casper's Cousins unfamiliar with the course of history should be able to see the implication implied by these recent examples of the Hidden Hands Of Destiny working through the wives of those serving as the front men for the true movers and shakers in society. The Zippo lighter bearing the crest of the Naval Guided Missle School carried by the Author had long been dismissed as an insignificant detail by a long string of investigators who crossed paths with HimOrHer at various times and places. It was the family history of Polly McWilliams that allowed the Flying Spook to bring together a wide range of seemingly individual 'coincidences' into a logical, coherent pattern. Clifden Albert Banner: Polly McWilliam's brother. A former B-52 bomber pilot with connections to both the NuclearBomberAdulteress and the ButtonBomberJoyRider provided the Flying Spook with his first hard connection between the Author and Armed Forces personnel suspected of having Circle of Eunuchs connections. Major Banner's military history working at top levels of the Strategic Air Command, as well as with the Joint Chiefs of Staff at the Pentagon provided the Flying Spook with an immediate RedFlag that suggested even the remotest connectionYT what would be found upon further investigation. It therefore came as no surprise to find that, after having put in place a wide variety of possible co-conspirators within the Armed Forces network, Major Banner retired to become a Senior Engineering Specialist-Mission Planning System, in the New England Operations Field Office of GDE Systems, a major military contractor. Neither was it a surprise that Major Banner's specialty was...computers. Jane Banner: Polly McWilliam's sister. Heavily involved as a programmer, for Nortel, with highly sensitive work in an area of the joint US/Chinese encryption program that was suspected to have strong covert connections to the CypherPunks and the Circle of Eunuchs. Earl David Banner: Polly McWilliam's father. A Boston Globe Journalist who had been privy to the most secret of secrets in a comprehensive array of social circles ranging from the Roosevelts and the Kennedys to Cardinal Cushing and the Lords of Lourdes. Earl Banner's Anglican heritage was in seeming contrast to his Catholic connections until the Flying Spook discovered the close connection between the Author's Catholic lineage through the French Norris clan on his mother's side and the Catholic lineage of the McWilliams clan to which Polly's husband, Bob, was a vital link. Moyra Banner: Polly's McWilliam's mother. Grew up in Montreal and met her future husband through sources closely connected to the Bartonian Metaphysical Society and what was later to become the Solar Temple Cult--both of which were organizations with close connections to the Author and David Humisky, a shadowy figure who had stunned the Canadian Military by engineering a quick end to a student military-game project designed to provide information and data on the capability of military neophytes engaging in spontaneous war games. Alan McKenzie: Polly McWilliams' great-grandfather. Driven with his family from the Isle of Lewis, in Scotland, by the Laird, as a result of his subversive political connections to a Welsh mining rebel named Bennett, whose grandson, Leslie James Bennett, would rise out of one of the 'Little Moscows' in South Wales, serving as a bastion of the British Labour Party, to become the Chief of the Russian Desk for the RCMP's Security Service, before beingYT with connections to fellow Red Caspers McClean and Kim Philby. Terry Dee: A long-time friend and confidante of Bob and Polly McWilliams, as well as a shadowy presence in the life of the Author's decade-long lover in Austin and Tuscon. The Flying Spook had originally researched his connection to the Author as a result of Dee's work for various American spook agencies during his travels in the Middle East, and was stunned to discover the close links between Dee's ancestors--the O'Days--and the Author's great-grandfather, Clarence Day, whose progeny in Mountain Home, Idaho, once again completed the Circle between the Author and Major Clif Banner, as well as filling in the Author's connection to the Naval Guided Missle School and a wide variety of suspected Circle of Eunuchs initiates employed at sensitive military and secret government laboratory sites around the world. Merna Brown: The Author's first wife. A member of the Bartonian Metaphysical Society, and whose father had proved to be a vital link in the connection between the socialist New Democratic Party of Tommy Douglas and the suspected Russian agent, James Leslie Bennett. Merna Brown had eventually turned up in Ontario in a government position ideally suited for providing financial and personal history support for a number of individuals drifting back and forth between the Solar Temple, Elohim City, Waco and San Diego, changing identities as they went. Dave Foreman: The Flying Spook found it interesting that the Author had appeared to have absolutely no contact with Dave Foreman or any of the Earth First subversives in Arizona during HisOrHer time there, yet seemed to be involved in advising and training a wide variety of those connected to Earth First in various areas of the country, particularly in Northern California. Hidden deep within the mountains of files kept on those who marched in protests at the LizardMore Lavoratory was a note which attributed authorship of a song, "We're Going To Take It Sitting Down," a banner tune for a Berkeley radical group named La Palomas, to one C.J. Parker, who was also known to have authored "Don't Blame Me, I Voted For The Monkey." Black Elk: Equally intriguing was the Author's close connection to a wide variety of Rainbow Family members thoughout the US and Canada. While the Author seemingly remained unaware of his connection to the group, many of the Rainbow Family were notYT enormous amount of covert support during his wide travels. ears of investigation failed to discover the link until the Flying Spook engaged the Author in WarStories (TM) at the CoalDust Saloon in Bienfait, and heard a tale about HimOrHer joining an oddball van full of misfits including hippies, college athletes and a Catholic priest, on a trip to a mountain top in Colorado to await the fulfillment of the vision written of in "Black Elk Speaks." HeOrShe told of the Catholic priest smuggling an ounce of hashish across the border, shoved up his butt, screwing the Catholic girls on the trip, and then absolving them, and carrying a mountain of liquor up the mountain on his back, a Herculean task which made him a legend among those at the gathering who considered a spiritual journey to be incomplete without a jigger of earthly spirits to ease their passage. The Author told of rising in the middle of the night to relieve himself of excess spirits and falling into one of the slit-trench crappers that had been dug for the occassion, swearing like a trooper as he climbed out, only to fall into another, and yet another, with the whole gathering laughing riotously in the dark at the Fool In The Stool, as he called himself. He had little idea that not only did the whole gathering know who he was the next day (even though he pretended ignorance of the whole affair), but that the story of his folly had become one of the legends told by the original members of the Rainbow Family which was born at the gathering. Ken Sleight: Government efforts to investigate an alleged underground railroad for a variety of outlaws, desperados and radicals, including a trail of SafeHouses and HideOuts throughout the western US, invariably led to one or another of passages in and out of the Four Corners area. The Author and Utah outfitter Ken Slight were often found to be operating in close proximity without ever seeming to have confirmable direct contact. Interestingly, they both seemed to have contact with a large number of the same people involved in environmental and survivalist arenas, including Bob Mason, of Durango, although under an assumed name. XS4ALL: InterNet Free Terra both hosted the banned website during their censorship troubles with the the German government, and helped a variety of other sites set up mirror sites around the same time. One of the causes of XS4ALL's troubles was the publication of how-to tips on derailing trains. Although it was confirmed that the Author's travel schedule coincided with a number of railway 'accidents', including theYT in the vicinity of Saskatoon, no positive links to HisOrHer involvement could be established. The Flying Spook's recent investigation, however, turned up the fact that a variety of those hosting mirrors of the XS4ALL website had travel schedules which coincided with that of the Author at the times of several railway 'accidents', although, once again, no positive link between the individuals could be established. Synchronincidence: Time is a trick to keep suspicious minds from positively connecting Taoist subversive criminal radicals to the events for which they are obviously responsible. Space is a trick to keep Taoist subversive criminal radical coconspirators from being positively linked together when it is in the best interests of the government to claim that they are acting alone. Paranoia is a trick to keep non-Taoist subversive criminal radicals from realizing that most LEAs are real Lamers (TM), and that the only thing one needs to be paranoid of is paranoia, itself (it's a vicious cycle...). Guilt is a trick to keep psychotic sociopath subversive criminal radicals from killing everyone at once, so that there is still someone left to plot against them. DISCLAIMER!!! _____________ The Bienfait Nutly News makes no pretensions of operating as an ethical and responsible news source for individuals whose cerebral synapse circuits remain unaffected by moon phases and solar sunspot activity. We accept no responsibility for explaining how the translation of Reptilians In Black into an RIP acronym can go unnoticed by the editor until the end of the piece, or how a well-researched article can somehow seem to peter out into a meaningless morass of inconsequential facts and details. Hell, we don't even know what the right-square bracket is *really* called...]
participants (1)
Linda Reed--PCC West Campus CSC