Re: Changing to Moderated Cypherpunks -- How?
Soon I won't see you anymore, using the moderated list.
Thu Feb 5 20:22:33 1998 Dimitry "Totally Impotent Since Prostrate Operation" The Dim wrote:
Adam Back <> writes:
Information Security <>
I'd be glad to handle it.
The only criteria is to delete Dr. Dim and his nyms.
How are you going to recognize Dimitri's nyms if he has any.
Guy Polis thinks that anyone smarter than him (and that's 99.99% of the population) is my tentacle. He thinks everything on this list except him and Timmy May is my tentacle, including you too, Adam.
Guy Polis (, is a pedophile child molester who was fired from his consulting position at Salomon Brothers after he was caught masturbating in his cubicle at the child pornography JPEGs that he downloaded from the Internet.
In retaliation, Guy Polis spammed the firewalls mailing list with megabytes of e-mail logs that he "intercepted" at Salomon Brothers, and accused several of his former co-workers and supervisors of various crimes.
As far as I can determine, Guy Polis has been unemployed since the time he was fired from Salomon. If anyone knows otherwise, please let me know.
All you'll get is resounding silence, especially since you're so clueless as to get my name wrong: hint...not even 'guy' is correct. What a loser! You must love everyone seeing the old traffic analysis report on you: You'll have to go to URL '' to pick it up. Select "old database" and use this in their search box: ~g soc.culture.jewish & ~dc 1997/08/04 & ~s Brighton Beach Perhaps it should be updated and delivered to everyone in your neighborhood and the building you give classes in? You're just a ButtHead who never grew up, still gets a kick out of saying "cocksucker". Your brother Michael had to do your math thesis for you! ---guy You couldn't even cut it in Manhatten.
participants (1)
Information Security