On 3/9/06, Tyler Durden <camera_lumina@hotmail.com> wrote:
... if you're a small ISP and a couple of TLA clerks come demanding info about who's looking at what, tell them you can only hand over the records in person and then when they show up break an arm or leg or two. You'll be glad you did, and you can bet those clerks aren't going to do it again without a real Operation, which is a lot more costly and a LOT more visible.
(ah for the good old days; public discourse on proposed legislation should provide the option of challenging your representative to a duel. *grin* http://politicalgraveyard.com/special/duel-participants.html ) regarding resource consumption attacks to stem the capricious execution of NSL's: can you give them their requested data on cases of punchcards? and bill them for it? most annoying and obscure data storage format as a feature; that's a disturbing thought... [would it be punch cards or bernoulli disks?]