On 3/8/06, Tyler Durden <camera_lumina@hotmail.com> wrote:
... ON THE OTHER HAND, one does't need huge numbers of people wielding baseball bats...
i like to think you don't need any bats at all; waging direct lethal violence against the largest and best equipped military in the world (esp. adding up police, swat, n.guard, military, etc) fuels their propaganda machine and gets you crushed like an ant under foot. bomb throwers and assassins get no sympathy from the public no matter justified your perceived grievances. cutting at the heart of this nation-scale responsibility diffusion machine requires taxing communication and commerce engines which make its very existence possible. this tax is applied in the form of continued and targeted infrastructure disruption against those entities which are refusing and deflecting oversight and accountability for their actions, and all those who serve them directly or indirectly. punks with portable saws and thermic lances slicing fiber and junking equipment is much more palatable to the public when used against entities already perceived unpopular and abusive to fundamental rights. we've already talked about data mining and critical infrastructure analysis to direct such attacks in the most effective manner possible. although somehow i think this will get you a more severe response than killing random yes men (despite the fact this is limited to property damage alone). hmmm, the information required to organize such efforts would be a good fit for the blacknet.