On Jun 26, 2004, at 23:56, J.A. Terranson wrote:
On Sat, 26 Jun 2004, Major Variola (ret) wrote:
Do any models let YOU decide to send your location to ANOTHER phone?
Mine, an Samsung I330 PDA/Phone (actually a rebranded Handspring) allows you to selectively *disable* non-lea queries. Based upon this, I do not believe that the system is broadcast-based, but rather operates solely upon a query-response model.
Do any models even let YOU know your OWN approx location (to within that 100m Fedfascist standard)?
Mine does not, but I understand that there are models now coming into the market which do.
I'm a little late to this thread, sorry... AT&T m-mode models have had this kind of functionality for quite awhile. http://www.mobileinfo.com/news_2002/Issue25/ATT_Finder.htm "With a few keystrokes on a wireless phone, a m-mode subscriber is given the approximate geographic location of his friend, such as a street intersection. The two friends can then exchange messages, call the other, or choose a place to meet from a directory of nearby restaurants, bars, coffee shops, and bookstores." I'm pretty sure they don't use GPS for this... I think they do some form of triangulation from the cell towers. --bgt