Chelsea Manning attempts to destroy 'grand jury' system using their actions as wrecking ball!

Razer g2s at
Wed Dec 18 17:21:13 PST 2019

Punk-Stasi 2.0 wrote:
> On Tue, 17 Dec 2019 23:50:19 -0700
> Mirimir <mirimir at> wrote:
>> And about the penis thing. As I understand it, they basically invert and
>> expand the penis. So the glans becomes the clitoris, and the interior
>> becomes the vagina. It's a crude hack, for sure.
> 	are there any women going through a similar butchery to 'become' 'men'? 


> In the case of women I guess they would have to cut off their tits and have a dick implant? 

Yes and yes.
> 	anyway, there certainly are variations in sex and there may even be a percentage of people who are hermaphrodites, but how big is it? 

Small, but this isn't about that. It's about PSYCHOLOGY and EMOTIONS
that make you feel more like a woman or man, and possibly following up
by 'transforming'.
>> Gender is no more one dimensional -- male vs female
>> -- than political ideology is. And even if it were, we're developing
>> technology that makes all of that irrelevant.
> 	what's that supposed to mean, exactly? The matrix bullshit, which in reality means that  humanity is exterminated? 

It means, lets say, I'm a wild in the streets anarchist but my economics
are conservative. For instance I think a standing army that invades
countries to bolster US consumer capitalism and the lifestyle is
COMPLETELY UNCONSTITUTIONAL, and economically the Pentagon is a waste of
taxpayers dollars whse funds needs to be entirely redirected to
assisting US citizens in their day to day life when needed, and also to
MAKE FRIENDS, instead of enemies that cost us in WarBucks, by engaging
in development projects that aren't driven by economic blackmail
(IMF/WTO austerity etc) of Crapitalism.

Political thinking isn't black white and neither is gender, except for
the mechanics (Dick/Puss etc) that represent just a part of what gender
really means.


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