[wg-all] Call for Participation in the OGF NomCom

OGF NomCom nomcom at ogf.org
Thu Feb 6 17:29:00 EST 2014

Dear OGF Community,

as of OGF-40 in Oxford, UK, OGF has instantiated a new Nominations
Committee in order to fill several open leadership positions.  The
NomCom was also tasked to perform a review of the  current OGF
management and operational structure, and to propose adaptations as

All members of the community are invited to participate in the NomCom
itself.   While prior knowledge of the current OGF structure is an
advantage, we also welcome feedback and insights with a more unbiased
background!  We expect the current NomCom process to last about 3
months, with approximately two to three calls per month, and some
moderate number of additional hours inbetween calls.  There is one
caveat attached: participating in NomCom excludes you from being
eligible for any of the open positions.

If you are interested in participating in the NomCom process, please
send an informal email to nomcom at ogf.org.

With best regards,

  Andre Merzky.

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