[wg-all] Reminder to register for OGF 42 in London and for the NSI working group meetings at Nordunet 2014

Sill, Alan alan.sill at ttu.edu
Tue Aug 19 11:11:33 EDT 2014

The dates for OGF 42 are coming up on us quickly for our meeting in London at Imperial College, co-located with the CAC 2014 and other FAS* conferences 8-12 September. This is just a reminder to register; information on the conferences themselves and a link to the OGF 42 schedule are on our web site at the following link.


A direct link to the registration page is https://www.regonline.com/Register/Checkin.aspx?EventID=1569519

The early registration period is now over, so you can now select from the full conference rate, including the discounted rate for OGF or IEEE members as appropriate, or from the one-, two-, or three-day options for attendance if you plan to attend only certain days of the conference, workshops or OGF meetings.

The schedule is available for OGF 42 at https://www.ogf.org/ogf/doku.php/events/ogf-42/schedule and for the CAC 2014 conference itself from links on that page to help you decide on the most appropriate rate.

We do have some very exciting sessions planned, including ones in which we will discuss future options for OGF to evolve, modernize and grow its technology interest areas, and to plan future events. Please join us in London and communicate with your working group members, chairs and area directors as needed to help us make the most of this event.

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