[wg-all] OGF-related events: ETSI Cloud Standards Coordination open event 4-5 Dec 2012; Cloud Plugfest 10-12 Dec 2012 and Cloudscape 27-28 Feb 2013

Sill, Alan alan.sill at ttu.edu
Wed Oct 31 11:00:38 EDT 2012

Dear OGF members,

Apologies for multiple messages to wg-all in one day (the one from Andre on OGF Redmine migration, and this one on events).  I will try to compensate for this by squeezing announcements of two events - no, three! - in one message.

The following announcement refers to the European Community Cloud Standards Coordination event to be held 4-5 Dec 2012 in Cannes, France.  There will be a delegation from OGF attending (at least, multiple people have told us that they are interested in going) with official representation for OGF provided by Wolfgang Ziegler of the Fraunhofer-Institute for Algorithms and Scientific Computing (SCAI), who is our OGF Area Director for Applications.  Please contact Wolfgang for further information if you plan to attend.

In addition, there will be the seventh in the series of Cloud Plugfest events, which are hands-on developer-oriented activities designed to promote interchange of information among developers on actual implementations in software of standards and to encourage exchange of practical implementation information, 10-12 Dec 2012 in Sophia-Antipolis, France with remote locations in Durham, North Carolina and optionally Boulder, CO, USA and Tokyo, Japan.  Remote participation IS allowed but you have to register at http://cloudplugfest.org for this event.

Note: while OGF is one of the sponsors for this event, along with ETSI and SNIA, this is a developer-oriented activity, not an OGF event and is not subject to the usual OGF restrictions (just like participation in any other general meeting).  Instead, you are participating on your own just as you would do in a project meeting or other outside activity.  The same consideration applies to participation in the CSC meeting and Cloudscape conference mentioned below.

Finally, please put on your calendar to participate in the next in the series of Cloudscape meetings to be held 27-28 2013 in Brussels, Belgium.  Many of you may already have been contacted to participate to represent your projects, and of course we always appreciate having OGF standards and processes highlighted in any presentation that you make.  It is extremely important to highlight the progress that development and use of OGF standards allows you to make, and to come to OGF events to inexact with the community that is working on these topics in order to make this progress.

OGF encompasses a thriving and active organization and community, so please do not be shy in highlighting the importance of OGF cloud- and grid-related standards in these and other meetings that you may attend!  Also, please do not be shy in telling us how we can organize the OGF community processes and events in ways that will help you in your day-to-day and long-term visionary efforts.


Alan Sill, Ph.D
Vice President of Standards, Open Grid Forum
Senior Scientist, High Performance Computing Center
Adjunct Professor of Physics
Texas Tech University

Begin forwarded message:

ETSI announces the launch of the Cloud Standards Coordination (CSC),
December 4-5 in Cannes, France

By 2015, the worldwide market for cloud products and services is estimated to reach between € 50 bn and € 80 bn. Cloud computing is a factor for change thanks to an increased efficiency of computer infrastructure utilization and standardized offers leading to lower costs.
In order to "Unleash the Potential of Cloud Computing" Europe gears up to tackle a series of challenges and the EC Communication on Cloud computing<http://ec.europa.eu/information_society/activities/cloudcomputing/docs/com/com_cloud.pdf>released on September 27, 2012 identifies cutting through the jungle of standards as a one of the key actions to foster mass adoption thanks to a trusted environment.

To this end, ETSI is tasked to coordinate with partakers in the cloud standards ecosystems and devise standards roadmaps in support of EU critical policy in areas such as security, interoperability, data portability and reversibility.

Supported by a membership of 750 organizations from 62 countries, a global network of partners, open and transparent processes, ETSI is launching the Cloud Standards Coordination in collaboration with a series of prominent players.

PLEASE download the draft agenda<http://www.etsi.org/WebSite/document/Workshop/CSWS/CSC_draft_agenda20121029.pdf> (29 October 2012)

Be aware that this event is not a conference, but will feature a series of brainstorming sessions. Forget powerpoints and get ready to engage!

Join industry players, standards setters, users and trade associations for the launch of the CSC in an open event on Tuesday 4 December (2pm) until Wednesday 5 December (6pm) 2012  and contribute to devising the Cloud standards roadmap in support of EU policy.

Link: http://www.etsi.org/WebSite/NewsandEvents/201212_CLOUDSP.aspx

For further information please contact:
Margot Dor
Strategy development
mobile +33(0)6 8034 3416
office +33(0)4 9294 4910
margot.dor at etsi.org<mailto:margot.dor at etsi.org>
ETSI, 650 route des Lucioles
06921 Sophia Antipolis cdx

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