[wg-all] Participation by OGF at the ETSI Cloud Standards Coordination meeting

Sill, Alan alan.sill at ttu.edu
Wed Nov 28 02:08:17 EST 2012

Dear all,

As you know, Dec. 4-5 there will be a very important European Cloud Standards Coordination meeting to be held in Cannes, France and hosted by ETSI, which has recently been named by the European Commission as the central body to coordinate cloud standards policy and development activities on its behalf in Europe.


Our delegation there will be led by Dr. Wolfgang Ziegler.  There will also be a formal signing ceremony for the OGF-ETSI MoU approved both by the OGF Board of Directors and recently by the ETSI Board at their General Assembly.

For those who plan to attend, please enter your name on the associated list at http://doodle.com/sfkdeigazutxtf5i to select sessions in which you want to be active, and also please look for each other and for Wolfgang and other OGF members at the CSC meeting.

We appreciate you keeping the flame of open participation in standards development active and bright at meetings such as this.  If you are interested in promoting implementations of our open standards in cloud settings, please also register for and participate in the Cloud Plugfest series we have been conducting successfully with SNIA and ETSI as partners (and we hope soon, participants also from implementers from DMTF), the next of which is Dec. 10-12, 2012 in multiple locations with remote participation possible upon registration -- which is due December 3!


Thanks for your time and participation in OGF and in projects that help to bring our standards into practice in the community.

Alan Sill
Vice President of Standards
for the GFSG and OGF Standards Council

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