[wg-all] OGF IT Infrastructure migration

Joel Replogle replogle at ogf.org
Mon Nov 28 23:40:49 CST 2011

Dear OGF community,

Over the next few days we will be migrating the OGF IT infrastructure to a different hosting environment.  The purpose of this is to improve access, lower hosting costs, and enable a smooth transition to future collaboration tools.

To enable the migration, we may need to put GridForge, svn and mailing lists into Read-Only mode for a duration of one to two days.

We will move the contents of these services our along with the OGF web infrastructure to new machines, kindly hosted by Indiana University at their virtualized hosting center.  We expect mailing lists and GridForge to get online again after about a day.  Once the new infrastructure works and is tested, we will update the OGF DNS to point to the new machines and re-enable write access.  We expect passwords, group memberships, etc. to remain the same.

Hopefully this transition will be seamless and go unnoticed by users of the OGF IT services.

We also plan to use FutureGrid tools via an associated project to carry out migration between the current GridForge infrastructure to specific new tools and services, in particular Redmine as a replacement for Gridforge.  This is a great use of FutureGrid and an opportunity to use some of the tools that result from our own community's efforts.

Volunteers from the community to help with testing the new services are welcome.  If you would like to help us evaluate tools and test their utility for the "Future OGF Tools" please let one of us know so we can include you in the coordination efforts.


Joel Replogle 
Andre Merzky
Alan Sill

Joel Replogle              Executive Director, OGF
replogle at ogf.org           http://www.ogf.org
PO Box 1738                T: +1-765-228-9068
Muncie, IN 47308 USA       F: +1-815-927-6284

Upcoming Events: 
OGF34 * March 12-14, 2012 * Oxford, UK * www.ogf.org/OGF34

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