[wg-all] Fwd: Science Agency Uses Workshop agenda and connection details posted

Alan Sill alan.sill at ttu.edu
Sat Jul 16 18:32:19 CDT 2011

Dear OGF WG member,

The agenda for the 2011 Workshop on Science Agency Uses of Clouds and Grids has now been posted on the conference page,


along with instructions for remote participation by any of several options. Please feel free to forward this message to other interested parties as appropriate.  Remote participation is welcome in this workshop; see below.  

Please also check these pages at the time of the workshop, as corrections and updates may continue to be made

We have an exciting and packed day planned for all day Monday, so please plan to connect for an extended time and to participate as fully as possible in the workshop.  

We have asked all speakers, even in light of the limited time for each talk, to leave time for questions within their allotted interval.  Recall that the purpose of this set or workshops and activities is to give better visibility to a lot of the good work going on in the field, and to provide us with some of the steps needed to document and inventory such work in a more systematic way.  For this purpose, it is sufficient to have good information regarding the overall purpose of your project, tool or infrastructure effort and to provide sufficient links to allow viewers and readers of your talk to find out more.  

Whether participating remotely or in person, the same consideration applies to comments and questions that you might be inclined to ask during the workshop.  Please do be prepared to ask questions designed and intended to find out more information about the projects, rather than engage in statements of opinion or polemical arguments.  Remote participants are asked to please mute their audio if using a phone or audio/video two-way connection at all times when they are not speaking.  That having been said, we do welcome remote participation and a lively, focused discussion on each topic being presented.

The overall focus of this workshop will be on using these projects and talks to provide a representative current sampling of the best work and concepts in this field.  We hope the above material will be of use to you as we gather information and tackle the challenge of identifying, documenting and supporting information about the best projects and tools together.

Copies of the talks will be uploaded as they become available.  


Alan Sill
Joel Replogle
Jason Zurawski
Workshop organizers

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