[wg-all] OGF28 CFP is now open

Joel Replogle replogle at ogf.org
Tue Nov 17 01:00:48 CST 2009

The OGF 28 Call for Session Proposals is now open at:

Open Grid Forum, OGF28
March 15-19, 2010
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
Munich, Germany

Call for Session Proposals for the Joint Program & Tutorials -

“Future of Distributed Computing Infrastructures”

Grids matured to production infrastructures in academic and commercial
usage scenarios. In addition, Cloud computing evolved as a promising new
paradigm for infrastructure provisioning. For academics, such distributed
computing and service infrastructures are considered as key enablers for
the future of eScience. The commercial application of such technologies
leads to similar challenges and consideration.

OGF28 will provide a forum to foster new relationships and collaborations
based on common interests, and develop best practices and technical
specifications related to Distributed Computing Infrastructures. If you are
interested in the future of distributed computing, OGF28 is the place to be in
March 2010.

The PC event committee seeks active participation by key projects in this area,
especially from Europe, US and Asia. In addition to OGF's chartered groups
and Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions, the Program Committee is soliciting
proposals for content that support its mission of accelerating distributed
computing adoption in both research and industry. While the Program Committee
will consider all proposed content related to grid technology and usage,
they are particularly seeking content related to the following topics:

Strategic Session
-	Linking data-intensive, large-scale projects in Distributed
Computing Infrastructures
-	European Strategic Outlook on the Future of DCI (e.g. key EU Projects in ICT)

Technical topics:
-	Future of Clouds, Grids on Clouds, Clouds and HPC
-	Data, Data Access and Data Repositories for Distributed Computing
-	Security in Grids, Clouds
-	Production Grid Interoperability
-	Software Sustainability for DCI
-	Green IT, Energy Efficiency

Additionally, OGF and OGF-Europe are accepting proposals for multiple
half-day or full-day tutorials with a hands-on focus and designed to enhance
technology skills.

The deadline to submit session proposals for the joint program is:
15 December 2009, notification will be provided by 15 January 2010.

Submit your session proposal at http://www.ogf.org/OGF28/cfp.php

OGF28 Program Committee Members:
-	Thilo Kielmann
-	Ignacio Llorente
-	Uwe Schwiegelshohn
-	Thomas Rueter
-	Fabrizio Gagliardi
-	Silvana Muscella
-	Ian Osborne
-	Shantenu Jha
-	Martin Anthony Walker
-	Martin Swany
-	Graham Cameron
-	Ann Borda
-	Satoshi Sekiguchi
-	Andrew Grimshaw
-	Simon Lin

Programm Committee Chair: Ramin Yahyapour
General Chairman: Dieter Kranzlmüller
Local Chairman: Nils Otto vor dem gentschen Felde



Joel Replogle              Executive Director, Open Grid Forum
replogle at ogf.org           http://www.ogf.org

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