[wfm-rg] FW: Important news to ICCS-WSES PC

Ewa Deelman deelman at isi.edu
Fri Nov 18 08:58:08 CST 2005

 (Our apologies if you have received multiple copies of this CFP.)

Submission deadline was extended to December. 17 (Saturday.), 17:00 CET.
     1st International Workshop on
    Workflow systems in e-Science
             (WSES 06)
       in conjunction with
International Conference on Computational Science 2006

May 28-31, 2006, University of Reading, UK



Grid environments enable collaborations involving large numbers of 
people and large scale resources, and promote the emergence of a new 
paradigm for scientific research: e-Science. Different layers of 
middleware, e.g., for managing Grid resources, computing tasks, data, 
and information, form the basic framework for realising an e-Science 
environment. By automating the management of experiment routines, a 
scientific workflow management system hides the underlying integration 
details of the e-Science resources and allows a scientist to focus on 
the high level domain specific aspects of the experiments. The support 
for scientific workflows is being recognised a crucial feature for 
introducing an e-Science environment to application scientists from 
different domains.

The WSES workshop focuses on practical aspects of scientific workflow 
management systems: design, implementation, applications in all fields 
of computational science, interoperability among workflows and the 
e-Science infrastructure, e.g., knowledge framework, for workflow 
management.  The workshop aims to provide a forum for researchers and 
developers in the field of e-Science to exchange the latest experience 
and research ideas on scientific workflow management and e-Science.

Live demons of workflow systems and workflow application are welcome.


Authors are invited to submit original manuscripts that demonstrate 
current research in all areas of scientific workflow management in 
e-Science. The workshop solicits novel papers on a broad range of 
topics, including but
not limited to:
* Workflow infrastructure and e-Science middleware
* Workflow API and graphical user interface
* Workflow modelling techniques
* Workflow specification language
* Workflow execution engine
* Dynamic workflow control
* Workflow verification and validation
* Workflow system performance analysis
* Support tools for managing workflows
* AI techniques in workflow management, e.g., planning, runtime control 
and user support;
* Security control in managing workflow
* Real-world applications of scientific workflow
* Different levels of interoperability among workflow systems;
* Automatic composition of scientific workflow;
* Knowledge infrastructure in workflow management;


Authors should submit electronically a full (8-page) paper in PDF format

to (zhiming at science.uva.nl). The papers will be carefully evaluated 
based on originality, significance, technical soundness, and clarity of 
expression. Accepted papers should be presented at the workshop. All 
accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings in 
Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) series by Springer-Verlag. 
Selected best papers, after extension, will be published in a suitable 
international journal as a special issue.

* December 17, 2005 Full paper due
* January 31, 2006 Notification
* February 10, 2006 Camera-ready paper due

* Marian Bubak (AGH University of Science and Technology, Krakow,
* Rajkumar Buyya (The University of Melbourne, Australia).
* Ewa Deelman (University of Southern California, USA).
* Thomas Fahringer (University of Innsbruck, Austria).
* Bob Hertzberger(University of Amsterdam, the Netherlands).
* Minglu Li (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China).
* Ling Liu (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA).
* Peter Rice (European Bioinformatics Institute, UK).
* Ian Taylor (Cardiff University, UK).
* Zhiwei Xu (Chinese Academy of Sciences, China).


Dr. Zhiming Zhao
email: zhiming at science.uva.nl
Tel: +31 20 5257530
Fax: +31 20 5257490
www: staff.science.uva.nl/~zhiming
Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam
1098SJ, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Dr. Adam Belloum
email: adam at science.uva.nl
www: staff.science.uva.nl/~adam
Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam
1098SJ, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

Zhiming Zhao
Informatics Institute, University of Amsterdam
Kurislaan 403, 1098SJ, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
eMail: zhiming at science.uva.nl
WWW:   staff.science.uva.nl/~zhiming
Office: +31 20 5257530
Mobile: +31 641265121
Fax:    +31 20 7773080
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