[WEBMASTER] [Christian Media] Bible Prophecy - June 4, 2021

John deBritto freshwaterfromgod2 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 4 14:31:51 EDT 2021


So says *Christian Media* prophecy author *James Lloyd*. Some know the
famous Hitler quote “He alone, who owns the youth, gains the future,” but
few realize the rise of the *Democrats* is a major step in that direction.
In addition to “Vaccine Passports” which puts pressure on people who don’t
trust the system, schools are now banning unvaccinated students -- *effectively
removing the parental say of their parents* – as another level of the
indoctrination of youth emerges.

As the manipulated molding of earthly opinion increases, the “Beast”
progressively punishes “wrongthink.” This is *precisely* what was
prophesied to occur, and the intellectual tyranny is rapidly accelerating.
The Bible clearly says “*the rulers of the darkness of this world”* *(Ephesians
6:12)* cause the whole world to come to unity apart from Jesus Christ.
Further, *Revelation 13:15* says the system seeks to destroy anyone who

*Christian Media* Prophecy author *James Lloyd* has long identified the
Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse found in Revelation 6, likening them to
political systems, and has linked them to the modern era well as Old
Testament prophecies. Using this Scriptural formula, James has successfully
predicted, *in writing*, events including political elections, military
clashes, monetary events, and even the length of the tragic BP oil spill in
2010 (he called it at 5 months to the very *day*). As far back as
1992, *Christian
Media* published a *written* prophecy of the assassination of *Yitzhak
Rabin* of Israel – an important prophetic event which was fulfilled three
years later in 1995. Many other events -- such as the *911* attack -- have
also been anticipated on James Lloyd’s radio and TV broadcasts.

*Christian Media* does have a timely Internet video on the subject, but the
world’s Internet media censors, *under the control of the Spirit of
Antichrist* during the present apostasy in the “church,” won’t allow us to
give you the location of this free video without the website being shut
down. In a prophesied *Role Reversal* of the *Israelite* Pharisees that
sought to stop Jesus Christ’s *Christian* Apostles from preaching the
truth, “church” oriented media interests controlled by million dollar
“Christian” *corporations *(from the Latin “corpus,” or dead body),
hypocritically deny their supporters access to Bible based predictions that
contradict their worldview, for fear of losing financial support if their
misrepresentations are exposed. The Internet location of the underground
video on the subject of what comes next can be provided by texting your
name, email, and *POSTAL* mailing address to *541/930/4440* with the word
“Prophecy,” or by calling *541/899/8888*, and leaving your name, *POSTAL*,
and email address on the voice mail answering device, and *Christian Media*
will surface mail you more information, including the location of the
underground Internet website with prophecies of the immediate future.

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