[WEBMASTER] [Christian Media] ChristianMediaDaily News - May 7, 2021

John deBritto freshwaterfromgod2 at gmail.com
Fri May 7 11:45:13 EDT 2021


So says *James Lloyd* of the *Christian Media* prophecy ministry. Citing
the Greek manuscripts used in the New Testament, *II Thessalonians 2*
speaks of a time when all restraint is supernaturally removed from human
behavior, and the lawless nature of all humankind becomes prevalent. Worse
yet, the Christian tradition erroneously thinks the “man of sin” mentioned
is the fictional “Antichrist,” when the verse actually speaks of a time
when the *lawlessness* of everyman becomes prevalent.

“That day *[the return of Christ]* not come, except come a falling away *[from
the righteous behavior generated by faith in God]* and that *[lawless]* man
of sin be revealed, the son of perdition” *(II Thessalonians 2:3).*

*Christian Media* claims the Christians are prophetically scheduled for
“judgment, which must begin at the house of God” *(I Peter 4:17)* because
believers have lost the truth of their identity in Scripture, forfeiting
their standing as the “Sons of God” *(I John 3:2) *to the Jewish people,
claiming *they* are the “chosen” people *(I Peter 2:9).*  Bible Prophecy
figure *James Lloyd *has successfully predicted, *in writing*, events
including political elections, military clashes, monetary events, and even
the length of the tragic BP oil spill in 2010 (he called it at 5 months to
the very *day*). As far back as 1992, *Christian Media* published a
*written* prophecy of the assassination of *Yitzhak Rabin* of Israel – an
important prophetic event which was fulfilled three years later in 1995.
Many other events -- such as the 911 attack -- have also been anticipated
on James Lloyd’s radio and TV broadcasts.

*Christian Media* does have regular Internet video on the subject, but the
world’s Internet media censors, *under the control of the Spirit of
Antichrist* during the present period of apostasy in the “church,” won’t
allow us to give you the location of this free video without the website
being shut down. *Prophetically Paralleling* the Pharisees that sought to
stop Jesus Christ’s Apostles from preaching the truth, media interests
controlled by million dollar “Christian” *corporations *(from the Latin
“corpus,” or dead body), hypocritically deny their supporters access to
data that contradicts their escapist *“Rapture”* narrative, for fear of
losing financial support if their misrepresentations are exposed. The
Internet location of the underground video on the subject can be provided
by texting your name, email, and *POSTAL* mailing address to *541/930/4440*
with the phrase “lawless,” or by calling *541/899/8888*, and leaving your
name, *POSTAL*, and email address on the voice mail answering device,
and *Christian
Media* will surface mail you more information, including the location of
the underground Internet website.

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