[WEBMASTER] [Christian Media] ChristianMediaDaily News - April 13, 2021

John deBritto freshwaterfromgod2 at gmail.com
Tue Apr 13 13:05:28 EDT 2021


In recognizing the supernaturally driven phenomenon of what he calls
Parallels,”* bible prophecy figure *James Lloyd* continually notes the
parallels between the fall of the Roman Empire and the current American
decline. Far from an odd similarity, Lloyd’s *Christian Media* ministry has
found biblical predictions of Christian era kingdoms that eerily
recapitulate well known Old Testament empires, *in the same order*. In one
of his books, *The Lion, the Bear, and the Leopard*, Lloyd says the “lion”
of Daniel 7:4 is the British Commonwealth, the “bear” is the USSR, the
“leopard” the Nazi German nationalism of the Third Reich, and the “diverse”
fourth beast (Daniel 7:7) is America.

*Christian Media* has extensive comparisons showing the four Christian era
“beasts” are *“Prophetic Parallels”* of the four Old Testament empires
envisioned in the scriptural description of the composite statue of
Nebuchadnezzar, with the head of gold *(Babylon),* silver arms *(Persian
Union),* brass torso *(the Grecian empire of Alexander the Great),* and
iron legs *(Rome).* Using the history of the kingdoms, James Lloyd has been
able to predict events in the modern timeline. For example, in the Grecian
Empire of Alexander the Great, when the leader died, four generals took
over the splintered kingdom. In the modern parallel (Nazi Germany), when
the leader died, four generals (the four Allies of World War II) took over
Germany. There are many more examples, and some of them are downright
stunning. For instance, in the Roman Empire, the problem of illegal
immigration was used to bring rulers to power. The popular phrase,
“Barbarians at the Gate,” even predates the English language, and is
usually used to describe a foreign people or force being close to
destroying a social institution, culture, or empire.

The roles are frequently reversed in Prophecy as the New Testament says
“these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our
admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come*” (I Corinthians
10:11). *Using these *“Prophetic Parallels,”* bible prophecy figure *James
Lloyd *has successfully predicted, *in writing*, events including political
elections, military clashes, monetary events, and even the length of the
tragic BP oil spill in 2010 (he called it at 5 months to the very *day*).
As far back as 1992, *Christian Media* published a written prophecy of the
assassination of *Yitzhak Rabin* of Israel – an important prophetic event
which was fulfilled in 1995. Many other events -- such as the 911 attack --
have also been anticipated on James Lloyd’s radio and TV broadcasts, but
they are not publicized in the mainstream Christian media, as the “church”
is under a prophesied “strong delusion” *(II Thessalonians 2:11).* The
Christian establishment has suppressed this information – and judgment is
indeed coming on the “church.” The next events on the prophetic calendar
are now being addressed in the *Christian Media* printed newsletter
*CURRENTS,* which is exclusively mailed by the US Postal System (USPS), due
to censorship on the Internet.

*Christian Media* does have Internet video on the subject, but the world’s
Internet media censors, *under the control of the Spirit of Antichrist*
during the present “*Falling Away” *from the truth *(II Thessalonians 2:3),*
won’t allow us to give you the location of this free video without the
website being shut down. *Prophetically Paralleling* the Pharisees that
sought to stop the Apostles from preaching the truth, media interests
controlled by million dollar “Christian” *corporations *(from the Latin
“corpus,” or dead body), hypocritically deny their supporters access to
data that contradicts their escapist *“Rapture”* narrative, for fear of
losing financial support if their misrepresentations are exposed. The
Internet location of the underground video on the subject can be provided
by texting your name, email, and *POSTAL* mailing address to *541/930/4440*
with the phrase “Era of Antichrist,” or by calling *541/899/8888*, and
leaving your name, *POSTAL*, and email address on the voice mail answering
device, and *Christian Media* will surface mail you more information,
including the location of the underground Internet website.

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